With the pain in the neck of a paving, street and sidewalk improvement project that is the work currently underway on 10th Ave E, we thought we might bring some Capitol Hill Seattle Department of Transportation equal time and tell you about a project that was completed quickly and with seemingly pleasant results.
Here’s a note sent to us from SDOT about a new sidewalk installed along 19th Ave E over the past few weeks. They also supplied the handy before and after pictures, attached. We’ve walked the new walk. It works!
Have you noticed the beautiful new sidewalk on 19th Avenue East, across from the Country Doctor clinic and a block north from the Miller Community Center? Paving crews from the Seattle Department of Transportation recently replaced the sidewalk which had been cracked by tree roots.
SDOT crews moved the sidewalk further from the street and widened it, and also widened the planting strip to give the trees more room to grow. (Note: see before and after photos, attached.) While working in the neighborhood, crews also made temporary spot sidewalk repairs at a few other trouble spots on 19th Avenue E.
This work was funded by the Bridging the Gap transportation initiative approved by Seattle voters in 2006 and is funded through 2015. Unfortunately, sidewalk repair needs greatly outweigh funds, making it necessary for us to prioritize repairs where we can make the most impact. For the most part, these are along arterial streets with bus stops or access to schools, or destination facilities. We also look for opportunities to partner with residential property owners when we are in the area and when we can leverage repairs through cost sharing.
Sidewalk safety concerns can be reported to SDOT by calling 684-ROAD or using the on-line reporting form at http://www.seattle.gov/transportation/potholereport.htm
At least on the app (which I LOVE) we can only see what I assume is the before picture. Thanks
Does anybody know if the new sidewalk is now on private property? Was a strip of land needed for this, or is that a public structure to the right of the sidewalk.
I think its important that the city and private property owners do some more research as to what trees are good for planting strips. A deeply rooted tree that won’t cause problems 30 years down the line is most desirable.
What’s not said is that two mature trees were killed and removed — one in the pictured area, one a couple houses north. That doesn’t jive with the city’s (appropriate) push to increase it’s canopy cover. I’d have accepted the chance of more bumps in 30 years.
Yes, the trees in this strip are a species approved for such spots, and don’t get huge. The old pavement (see pic.) didn’t give them much space, and almost any tree would have pushed back.
At least they weren’t native, but neither were they replaced. (Some native shrubs were removed, too, however.)
Glad you like it. I’ve fixed the layout so both images should show up on the app now.
Also lost in the other direction were two blooming magnolias planted about a year and a half ago, as well as their two planting beds full of flowers, now paved. About 50 square feet of surface went impermeable (thanks for another move in the wrong direction, Seattle), and that corner is now completely bare and dead. Even if (unknown) the owner was compensated, it’s another bite out of the neighborhood.
I thought that property owners were responsible for maintaining the sidewalks in front of their properties and that the City could force them into making repairs?
Justin, do you have any interest in finding out why the property owners were not on the hook here?
Bad assumption. You sweep it. Beyond that, nada, it is city property.
Ah, Mike, you might want to have a look at this:
“Seattle Municipal Code, Title 15.72 requires that property owners keep the sidewalk adjacent to their property fit and safe for the purposes of public travel. As such, property owners must repair cracks and other damage to the sidewalk”
Justin? Why were the property owners not held responsible?