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Man busted for robbery, harassment after jumping victim, stealing cell phone on Broadway

A man was arrested after punching another man in the face for his cell phone early Monday morning near Broadway and Pine, according to a police report released Wednesday. Given the rash of street robberies on Capitol Hill lately, we’ve been trying to track down details on this Monday 3:20 AM incident which included allegations that the attacker shouted “This dude’s gay!” before punching the man in the face and kicking him until he was unconscious. Text of the SPD report is below.

According to the report, the suspect was found by police nearby shortly after the attack and identified in part thanks to his “Rocawear” jacket before being arrested and booked into King County Jail for investigation of robbery and malicious harassment. The victim in the attack refused medical treatment. His phone was recovered from the ground near where the officer took the suspect into custody.

 On the listed time and date I was on routine patrol in the 800 Blk of e Pine St when I was flagged down by V/   who stated a man had just punched and kicked him and had taken his cell phone.  V/   was bleeding from the nose and numerous lacerations on his face. He pointed to a male that was walking eastbound on E Pine St approaching the intersection with Broadway Av. The male they pointed at was a black male, approximately 5’8 – 5’10, 175 lbs. He was wearing a brown jacket with the word “Rocawear” on the back. V/   stated the male approached him and said, “Hey, what’s up?…what are you doing?…you wanna have a drink.” V/  told the male he did not want to have a drink and continued to walk westbound on E Pine St. V/   heard the male say, “This dude’s gay!” The male, later identified as S/   punched the victim with a closed fist in the face knocking him to the ground, during the fall the victim dropped his cell phone. While the victim was laying defenseless on the ground S/   kicked him numerous times in the head knocking him unconscious. S/   picked up  the dropped cell phone and left EB on E Pine St.

While I was interviewing the victim and W/   I heard a disturbance in the parking lot of   located in the 15   Blk of Broadway Av. As I turned I saw the male I had observed leaving the scene as I was being flagged down, he still had the brown jacket with the word “Rocawear” emblazoned across the back. Both the victim and W/   pointed towards the suspect and said, “That’s him.” S/   appeared to be in a verbal argument with S/   and S/  .  Assisting officers took S/   into custody. He was identified using his WADL. He was positively identified by V/   as the man who had assaulted him and taken his phone. V/   phone was recovered on the ground near where S/   had been standing when taken into custody. V/   identified the phone as his and set the value at $250.00. It was determined that S/   and S/   were not involved in the incident  and were released from the scene.

W/   version of events was similar to the victim’s. He was within 10′ of the victim when he was attacked by S/  . SFD was called to provide medical care for V   He refused to be transported to the hospital and decided to walk home. I gave him a business card along with instructions on how to receive a copy of this report. At the east Precinct I read S/   his Miranda rights directly from my agency issued MIR card. He indicated he understood his rights by saying, “Yes.”

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14 years ago

This is a pretty serious issue. We need a decisive show of force by law enforcement and from the community to address this. A few years back, after a few attacks on Capitol Hill, we had a community meeting at Broadway Performance Hall. The East Precinct and community leaders held a forum with the neighborhood to discuss safety issues. I think it’s time for another one.

14 years ago

It is a matter of time before one of these assaults result in the death of someone. Unfortunately, it will likely take a terrible tragedy like this to make folks realize that there is a serious crime problem in the neighborhood. This is becoming more than just an occasional incident.

14 years ago

Agreed, RJ.

I contact the East Precinct this morning to see if we can possibly hold a forum addressing these issues.

14 years ago

Well I’m sure the several hours that this criminal spent getting booked probably taught him a lesson and this will never happen again.

If by some chance that wasn’t enough, in several months he’ll need to stand in front of a judge and accept a harsh Seattle sentence of anywhere from 1-4 days in Jail! JAIL!

After that he will never think of committing a crime again.

Side note: I don’t want to be racist but seeing these reports of “black males” here or on Seattle Crime over and over and over makes it hard…

q. patrol
q. patrol
14 years ago

Seems like every time there is a spike in muggings, gay bashings, street robberies and the like, the idea of bring back q patrol gets floated around. Maybe it’s a good idea, but no one seems to be interested in organizing or actually marching around in red berets. Please, if you have this community meeting, maybe we can come up with alternative plans residents would be more likely to participate in.

14 years ago

Unrelated to this, my neighbor was robbed via a break-in sometime during the day yesterday. 23rd and Republican, for those putting pins in a map.

14 years ago


My e-mail to the East Precinct also mentioned the robberies happening on the Hill.

I am double checking taht my doors and windows are locked every time I leave now.

14 years ago

Side Note: Yeah, racism helps.

14 years ago

It’s not racism. It’s fact…just read the crime reports.