Two more people were held up at gunpoint on Capitol Hill late Sunday night as the victims were robbed of wallets and cellphones by two teenagers with a gun near E Mercer and 11th Ave. SPD officers swarmed the area looking for the suspects described as two black teenagers, one wearing red shorts and a bandanna — and carrying a small, black pistol.
According to SPD, two men were walking on Mercer when the suspects approached them and asked for directions.
The search centered on an area near 13th Ave and E Harrison where SPD said kids are known to congregate at night. Officers attempted to set up containment of the area to encircle the suspects who were last seen fleeing southbound on Federal Ave E. At one point in the search, a call went out over East Precinct radio for a gang unit to respond to the area. A K9 unit worked the area and aided in the search for the two teens. At this time, we have no indication that the suspects were found. UPDATE: SPD confirms that the suspects could not be found.
No medical units were called to the scene.
We reported on two more street robberies over the weekend that added to the flurry of muggings and hold-ups to end July. The suspect descriptions and weapon in Sunday night’s hold-up resembled other recent armed muggings where the suspects were described as extremely young black males.
SPD spokesperson Mark Jamieson tells CHS that the East Precinct brass is aware of the situation in the area. “The E Precinct is aware of these types of incidents that have happened in the last couple weeks,” Jamieson said. Jamieson said that robbery detectives are looking at the recent cases to determine patterns and to find the suspects involved.
In other East Precinct crime news, the SPD posted this report to their Blotter blog about a burglary on 13th Ave:
Residential occupied burglary
On 8/1/10, a female victim reported returning to her residence in the 1600 block of 13 Av at 2:00 A.M. and going to sleep. When she awoke at 9:30 A.M. she discovered that her purse and laptop computer, both kept approximately 5 feet from her bed, were gone.
She also found that the drawers in her bathroom were open as if they had been gone through by unknown subject(s).
The victim stated that she is not sure if she locked the door to her residence when she came home at 2:00 A.M. No signs of forced entry located.
The burglary was one of about eighteen reported residential burglaries on the Hill in July.
How about they put down the donut and get some beat cops out in the area patrolling? Oh wait, having a visible presence would make it too easy.
Since we are gathering for Tuesday night’s street parties, we should also make it an opportunity for some awareness and some ideas on protecting ourselves.
“According to SPD, two men were walking on Mercer when the suspects approached them and asked for directions.’
Okay, maybe this is just my mean city attitude, but never stop to answer ANY questions to ANYONE if you feel that they are “questionable”… take that however you want…
but it’s my theory, and I’ve lived on the hill for a dozen years and never gotten robbed. (knock on wood)
It a sad truth that you shouldn’t talk to strangers, but it’s good advice. One of the best ways to avoid trouble is to be aware of your surroundings and avoid anyone questionable. If someone gives you the creeps, err on the side of caution.
Actually, I definitely noticed a number of bike cops out and about on friday/saturday night. I can’t actually recall previously seeing bike cops on Cap Hill, and I think this is a pretty decent way to respond to recent events.
After overlooking 1st Ave in Pioneer Square for a year, let me tell you, cops in cars do nothing to discourage street crime.
Yes, whenever anyone on the Hill says anything to you after 2:00am you should just take off running for your lives, that should solve the problem, and it would also be great entertainment… or maybe as they say, the SPD should put down the donuts or bikes or whatever it is they happen to be playing around with at the time and send out some decoys to get mugged by these guys, how hard could that be?
Or you could just pre-emptively punch them in the face just in case they plan on attacking you too. They work off of surprise you know, so if you get the upper hand, well you won’t have to run now will you? Violence and sarcasm always solve things.
Is it okay to shoot armed teenagers if they’re pointing a gun at you? The only thing I’ve ever shot was an attacking pit bull and no one seemed too upset by that.
One of the victims is a friend of mine and the irony is that he was back visiting his hometown of Seattle for a few days from Bed Stuy in Brooklyn where he has lived for 10 years and has never been mugged while living in NYC. He has plenty of street smarts and whether he responded to their request for directions or ignored them, the same outcome most likely would have ensued. Bottom line is we need more eyes on the street be it police or aware community members.
I’m sorry what happened to your friend. I wasn’t suggesting that your friend deserved it, at all. And I wasn’t saying he wasn’t aware either, I just feel it’s necessary to remind people not to be “too friendly.”
I think that in liberal Seattle people are too afraid to do their own profiling of people walking down the street.
Yes, if you are a group of young males hanging out late at night walking in your gang clothes and thug walk, yes… I will cross the street the second I see you or pop on into a public store.
But yes, sometimes, no matter how aware you are, bad things happen.
Sucks and I hope your friend is okay!
Thanks for your reply, Me. The most disconcerting fact that was left out of this case was that it wasn’t even that late at night; it was just after 10:00pm! And another important detail: the 2 teenage thugs were already on the other side of the street walking parallel before they aggressively crossed over to the victims’ side of the street. Goes to show that you never can be too careful and to always take busier and brighter streets whenever possible to mitigate potentially dangerous encounters.