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Capitol Hill Food and Drink Notes: Whoopie Pies, new Madison coffee shop edition

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Uncle Vinny
Uncle Vinny
14 years ago

I feel like I have to pipe up and remind people to avoid eating unsustainably when they eat sushi. Grab a list from the Monterey Bay Aquarium, so you know which bits are bad for you and the environment. Or, if you don’t feel like tracking it yourself, just head over to Mashiko in West Seattle, one of the only sushi bars in the US that only serves sustainable fish. Sorry to rant, but I get all bummed out when I think about the impending extinction of so many wonderful fish…

14 years ago

Here’s the link to the Guides! The Sushi guide is on the right side of the page.

14 years ago

Also, the Monterey Bay Aquarium has a free iPhone / iPod Touch app version of their list:

If you’ve got the “i” in your pocket or purse, the app makes this good info super handy when you’re selecting either sushi or other seafood in a restaurant or market.

14 years ago

The wonderful fish are the most delicious!