The Citys Finding are below. (Personal note, they only comment I have to make is that it’s great that they are trying to solve the parking problems, but don’t create a safety hazzard by allowing parking on both sides fo the street so that emergency vehicles such as ambulances and fire trucks are not able to manuver to the taller homes/condos in the areas) Please contact them at the address below and let them know how you feel.)
Community Parking Program
Capitol Hill
Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ) Final Decision
Updated March 31, 2010
The SDOT Traffic Management Division Director has made a final decision regarding the expansion of Zones 4 and 21 in Capitol Hill. Please click here for further details, including a map and the days and hours that the zone will be in effect. If you live within the proposed area, you should also be receiving a copy in the mail. Those residents who will be eligible to purchase RPZ permits will receive applications in the mail within a couple of months, before implementation occurs (i.e. before the signs go up).
If you have questions about the RPZ program, please visit
Thank you again for your participation in this process.
Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ) Public Hearing Comments Received
Updated March 18, 2010
The comment period regarding proposals to add multiple blocks to two existing RPZs in Capitol Hill closed on March 15, 2010. Seven formal comments were made at the public hearing on March 9. In addition, nine comments were received outside of the hearing, by e-mail, letter, and phone. A summary of all of these comments can be found here . The SDOT Traffic Management Division Director will make a final decision shortly. This decision will be published in the Daily Journal of Commerce and the Capitol Hill Times. SDOT will also notify all parties living within 300 feet of the proposed RPZ, and all other interested parties contacted during the parking study and development of the RPZ, by mail, e-mail and on the SDOT website.
Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ) Public Hearing
Updated March 10, 2010
The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) held a Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ) Public Hearing on March 9, concerning the addition of multiple blocks to two existing RPZs, Zones 4 and 21, within the Capitol Hill study area.
Please click here to see the staff presentation made at the hearing. Please click here to see the initial notice mailed to the neighborhood.
E Olive Way Pedestrian Crossing
Updated February 23, 2010
As part of the Capitol Hill Sound Transit light rail construction, SDOT will be installing a pedestrian crossing at Boylston Avenue E. Work has already started on this project. For more information about the crossing and keeping pedestrians safe in general, please click here .
Final Plan Released
Updated February 9, 2010
In January 2009, SDOT began assessing Capitol Hill on-street parking, working with neighborhood businesses, residents, and community groups.
There were walking tours in February, and a parking occupancy study was completed in March. SDOT staff presented study findings and potential solutions at a Parking Open House in September. A draft parking plan was released in October 2009, and over 200 comments were received from residents and businesses. The final parking plan that SDOT developed has been strongly informed by this community process. Residents and businesses will be receiving this plan in the mail as well.
Implementation of the parking changes will take place in 2010, starting with changes along E Olive Way in March 2010. As a firm schedule is developed, this website will continue to be updated.
Other materials from this year-long study and process are also available in links below.
- Draft parking plan. released in October 2009.
- Materials from Parking Open House in September 2009:
- North of E Olive Way/E John St (the north half) [ Findings map] [ Potential Solutions]
- South of E Olive Way/West of Broadway (the SW quadrant) [ Findings map] [ Potential Solutions]
- Cal Anderson Park and 12th Avenue (the SE quadrant) [ Findings map ] [ Potential Solutions ]
Click on the relative links above to access the maps.
Click here for a handout of key findings from the parking study. Click here for a map of the overall study area specifically showing which blocks were studied. Click here for the full report. Click here for a study regarding adding capacity on existing streets.
Project Background
Through the Community Parking Program, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) will work with Capitol Hill stakeholders to develop a parking management plan that balances neighborhood needs and meets City transportation and environmental goals. The plan will support parking and access for customers, residents and businesses. We will work closely with community organizations to tailor changes that best fit the parking needs in the neighborhood. A previous assessment in 2004 resulted in the addition of time limit signs and the conversion of meters to pay stations.
The following area has been identified for this study:
- E Pine St on the south
- 12th Ave on the east
- E Roy St on the north
- Melrose Ave E on the west
Get Involved in the Capitol Hill Parking Assessment
Let us know where you would like to see on-street parking improvements in Capitol Hill. Are there particular blocks you would like SDOT to study? Does your block need new time limit signs or parking for motorcycles, scooters, or bikes?
Contact project manager Ruth Harper at [email protected] or (206) 684-8186 with comments or questions.