The Capitol Hill community group formed to represent neighborhood needs as Sound Transit plans the commercial development of the land around the Broadway light rail station is getting some help from a county and federally funded program. The Capitol Hill Champion joint project backed by the Community Council and the Chamber of Commerce is about to be joined in its effort by a group called the Creative Crossroads Committee, backed by King County programs 4Culture, Allied Arts and the Cascade Land Conservancy with funding from the National Endowment for the Arts. We’ll have more on this new dynamic soon but want to get the word out now about workshops at the Century Ballroom we’ve just learned about coming up next week.
The results of a community preference exercise by the Champion group last year. You can see the full report from the exercises here.
Please join us for an event that will help build a stronger future for Capitol Hill.
The Creative Crossroads Committee is engaging with the Capitol Hill Champions and Sound Transit to build a network of partners, tools and ideas to ensure development of the Broadway Station Area will support the proud tradition of progressive creativity on Capitol Hill.
The Creative Crossroads Committee is hosting two network-building parties to unveil our mission statement, gather insight from community stakeholders like you, and begin to continue the network of support that will carry this vision forward. With your help, this committee will provide tools and ideas to help focus and facilitate community action. We hope you can join us to learn how you can play a key role in the future of this vital neighborhood center.
Learn more and meet others who are working to make this happen. Please attend one of our two gatherings.
Monday, July 26, 5:30-7 pm
Saturday, July 31, 10:30 am – noonWHERE:
Century Ballroom, East Hall
Oddfellows Building (915 E. Pine St.), 2nd FloorThese events are free, but space is limited. RSVP at
Capitol Hill faces extraordinary change over the next six years. The coming light rail station and streetcar on Broadway, and the development around it, will create a community crossroads– the first face of Capitol Hill to greet many commuters and visitors, and a nexus of social, economic and cultural activity for the neighborhood. Decisions being made today will impact the neighborhood for decades. The time to give input is now, before new development begins.Some of the big questions we’re asking:
- As a neighborhood gateway, how can the Station Area celebrate the existing and evolving culture of Capitol Hill?
- How can new development support neighborhood needs?
- What roles can cultural space, community space and small businesses play?
What kind of development will make Broadway a vibrant urban destination?
For more on some of the work and vision already completed by the Capitol Hill Champion group, check out NEEDED: advocates to champion community vision for transit oriented development