In a plan already circulated to Capitol Hill community groups, Sound Transit is rethinking how Nagle Place will be transformed into a public plaza — and utility and maintenance corridor — as part of the Broadway light rail station construction. In a series of public meetings last year, the agency said it had early agreement on including plans for creating a space suitable for a new home for a Capitol Hill farmers market as the parking lot the market currently uses is about to be lost to the 230 Broadway redevelopment project.
The new plan will be discussed at a public forum next Tuesday, August 3rd at the Century Ballroom. Details in the flyer below. You’ll note that Sound Transit is also buying advertising on CHS to promote the forum.
CHS has not yet been sent information about the new design for Nagle that we can share but we have asked for something we can post as soon as possible. A person who is familiar with the plan tells CHS that it is quite changed from concepts that were floated last year. The new design reportedly creates a section of Nagle best described as a plaza and a northern section which will be more of a service and parking entrance. This enhanced plaza could be a big win for the farmers market and for other community uses of the space as the original Nagle concepts treated the street as a maintenance route that would be sometimes closed to traffic and repurposed for the market. More when we get the documents to share.
Cheers, the new plan is much better. I hope there is real interest for more events on this plaza, a once a week “farmers market” is not much real use.
Bring your voice on Tuesday night….. what would you like to see happening on and around the new plaza proposed for Denny and Nagle. Help shape this new public open space proposed by Sound Transit. What will happen there in addition to the Farmer’s Market? The evening will be an interactive design workshop – Capitol Hill needs YOU there!
I am disappointed that a public meeting would be scheduled on National Night Out. Many groups throughout the neighborhood are holding block parties that night as part of the annual night out for crime. I am helping to organize mine, so I cannot attend this meeting…though I would really like to.
Poor planning.
That’s an excellent point. I’ll ask Sound Transit what the opportunity is for a reschedule or a 2nd session.
Thanks for checking it out. I look forward to any updates.
7 – 9 PM, Thursday August 5
Roy Street Coffee & Tea
Community Council Land Use Committee hosts follow-up discussion on Nagle Place Extension workshop – comments from this discussion will be fed into the workshop results. for more information, contact [email protected]
The Capitol Hill community is very active and there are a variety of public activities and events on almost every night of the week during the busy summer months. Sound Transit attempts to avoid schedule conflicts with agencies and community groups, and unfortunately we cannot always find a time that works for everyone . This meeting was rescheduled once already to avoid a conflict with a another community group event on Wednesday night.
We want to provide everyone in the community a chance to participate and provid feedback. The materials from the meeting, will be available on our website following the meeting. We will also make the materials available here on this site, along with a link to send us in your comments or feedback.
Cal Anderson Park Alliance meets that evening, too, and we are scrambling to get representation.