More tests are needed before plans for a mixed-use building at the former location of Taco Time at 1420 E. Madison proceed, according to a company spokesperson. CHS reported on the plans late last year after the fast food restaurant was demolished.
Concerns about the lot’s toxicity require further testing but Taco Time vice president Robby Tonkin told CHS in December that the contamination was “not all that bad.”
“We may need to do a few additional borings and well samplings,” Tonkin told CHS Monday, saying there is no new news on the contamination of the lot. There is not yet a timeline for the development of the multi-use building but Tonkin said there may be more information by the end of the summer.
In the meantime, a paid parking and Zipcar lot has been created at the location at Madison and 15th Ave.
Across the street from the Taco Time lot, a “living building project,” a 65 to 75 foot high, six-floor commercial building conceptualized and planned by the Living Building Pilot Program, could break ground as early as November. PAE Consulting, The Bullitt Foundation, Point 32 and Miller/Hull have collaborated on a series of designs for a building that they say will function completely on its own energy and water systems while providing an “elegant” aesthetic that promises to engage McGilvra Park and one of the busiest corridors in Seattle.