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War of words brewing around north Broadway Bank of America site

Changes are afoot on the north end of Broadway, and not everyone is happy.  Scratch that, some people are pissed off.

SRM Development, the firm behind the pending redevelopment of the 230 Broadway site, is planning significant changes to the 600 block of Broadway. SRM intends to relocate Bank of America from the corner of Broadway East and East Thomas Street, on the 230 Broadway site, to 612 Broadway East by early next year. Nearby, the old Jade Pagoda building is being overhauled to attract new restaurant or retail tenants. We covered the various real estate players holding pieces of the block last spring before the plan for the temporary B of A home emerged.

Mike Frost, who manages the 614 10th Ave. E. apartment building across from the demolition site, said he and nearby homeowner Mike Klozar left last Friday’s meeting with SRM under the impression that the developer had little intention of adjusting its plans to address their concerns.  “I’ve talked with everyone on our side of the street,” said Frost, “and everyone other than the [owners and residents of 1005 E. Roy St. apartment building] is dissatisfied with what we’ve heard so far.”

Bank of America’s previous home at Broadway and Thomas is about to be redeveloped. CHS has covered recent design review meetings for the 230 Broadway project, which is appearing again before the design review board on Wednesday. The relocation plan calls for the demolition of residential properties at 613 and 615 10th Avenue East to provide space for a surface parking lot that would serve the bank and future commercial tenants on Broadway.

Andy Loos, development manager at SRM, anticipates demolition to be completed in two weeks.  The demolition would result in the loss of four housing units from the site.  Two of the units had been occupied at the time SRM pursued a building permit from the City of Seattle to enable the relocation.  Loos said that one tenant left of his own accord and that the other received compensation through the City’s Tenant Relocation Ordinance.

Last Friday, several concerned neighbors met with Neighborhood District Coordinator Thomas Whittemore, who helped arrange a meeting that same day with SRM.  “I’ve met with the adjacent property owners and told them of our plans and they seem fine with what we are doing,” said Loos.

Point of contention number one:  construction impacts.  Loos said that SRM is acting in compliance with city regulations and is implementing, for instance, pest control measures.  Klozar, however, said, “Those of us that live on the block where this is happening have to deal with large trucks and giant dumpsters dropped in front of our driveways for the next several months.  This is a real problem because two of the residents are doctors on call who may be required to get to the hospital in a hurry.”

Point of contention number two:  sewer capacity.  Frost believes the sewers that serving the site are not fit to handle the water runoff that a surface parking lot would generate, and he met Friday morning with staff from the City’s Department of Planning and Development (DPD) regarding this matter.  Loos said he has heard no such thing and has not talked to DPD about the matter yet.

Point of contention number three:  loss of affordable housing.  Klozar recently formed a Facebook group for the North Broadway Community because the project “has removed affordable housing in favor of a parking lot for 40 cars for a temporary bank location.”  Loos, on the other hand, insisted that the housing that was lost was market-rate.

Point of contention number four:  parking.  Frost questions whether a parking lot is needed at this location, as an existing parking lot is located at the southwestern corner of the block. Loos said that SRM is only providing the parking that its tenant, Bank of America, would need to maintain its business. Loos added that SRM could not rely on parking at the existing lot, since it is under different ownership and could potentially be redeveloped.

Point of contention number five:  future development.

Klozar said, “After construction is completed we are to be rewarded with an ugly parking lot, high intensity lighting in our bedroom windows, and the view of a bank building painted grey with a red stripe.  This does not fit Capitol Hill’s character in the least.”  Klozar is concerned that the traffic that a commercial parking lot on 10th Avenue East might generate would negatively impact the nearby Lowell Elementary school and disturb the block’s more residential character.

Loos said, “The bank is a good clean use with minimal impacts regarding noise, traffic, smells and garbage.  We will add parking to the area which can be utilized in the evenings (after banking hours) when parking is at a premium due to the theater and nearby restaurants thus leaving more spaces on the street for residents and visitors.”

“All we would ask is that residents be involved in the plan and help craft something that is attractive, preserves the trees and is functional,” Klozar said.  “We want only a win-win for the neighborhood and the businesses that we also hope will thrive here on the hill.”

Klozar and Frost say they plan to continue drumming up support for their cause and to continue discussing their concerns with representatives from SRM.  Klozar is considering starting a neighborhood association in the North Broadway area. In the meantime, though, with demolition permit in hand, SRM is moving forward with its plans.

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14 years ago

What a bunch of whiny, nosy, know-it-alls. Ever heard of property rights?

14 years ago

I will second that.

Whiners. Those issue are made up. The doctor one is a joke. The doctors are making it an issue because they feel entitled.

14 years ago

I am tired of effing banks eating up our awesome retail corners. They put their cubicles on along our sidewalks making our streets look as about inspiring as an office park and then they lock up at 5 leaving huge gaps in our nighttime streetscape. Sure, they own the property, but that argument only goes so far–we do have zoning, design guidelines, and community input. I think we could do better–Chase, US Bank suck enough as it is–I wish BofA would move off the corner and let something lively move in.

Tony Russo
Tony Russo
14 years ago

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, if you consider it to be such, but within the next 10 years, that entire block is going to be razed and replaced with new six story mixed-use development, similar to the Brix on the 500 block. That is what the zoning both allows and encourages. Once light rail opens in 2016, demand for housing on Capitol Hill is going to spike. If you think that Capitol Hill saw “a lot” of development in the last few years, then you truly have no idea what “a lot” means. Brix, Joule and B of A are just the tip of the iceberg.

I’m not saying it’s a good thing or a bad thing, just that’s is coming.

14 years ago

We do having zoning and it accomodates what they are doing so what is your point? They follow the rules and you don’t like it so you think you have the right to change the rules on them after the fact.

Zef Wagner
Zef Wagner
14 years ago

This is a good point to keep in mind. The neighbors’ contention that they will be stuck with a parking lot “forever” is really not true. It will be there for a few years until the entire block gets redeveloped into mixed-use apartments. That said, I would support the community in making sure the parking lot has trees and landscaping and is not just a big slab of concrete. The other concerns about sewer capacity and construction impacts seem to be pretty negligible, as is the loss of 4 housing units. I would invite the concerned residents to attend the next Community Council meeting on June 17th to voice their concerns and we can work together to mitigate some of these impacts.

Mike H
Mike H
14 years ago

Would it be possible to use the new parking lot, along with the lot behind Poppy and the lot on the corner of Mercer and broadway, for the new location for the Broadway Farmers Market? Sounds like a win win to me.

Mike with curls
Mike with curls
14 years ago

Change feels like a torpedo in the belly.

What to do? Mitigate by getting better stuff built with more curb appeal and better design…. real strong community input. FREEZE IT, STOP – is not an option.

In the future 12 th should offer density as well.

14 years ago

Level all of Capitol Hill and turn it into the world’s largest parking lot. Wait, sorry Bellevue, we’re not going to do that.

14 years ago

The BoA needs to have a temporary home while its current site is being re-developed, and understandably must have some parking for its customers. This is as good a place as any, and better than other possibilities. The parking lot will be relatively small and will have a minimal negative impact. The developer has protected the trees on 10th Ave E with wooden barriers, so he/she is trying to do right by the neighborhood.

To whine about this is the worst kind of “NIMBYism.”

Mike Frost
Mike Frost
14 years ago

Overall a good article and I would like to say thanks to CHS for letting the community know about this development. I have a few clarifications I would like to make.

1) THE “WAR OF WORDS” TITLE DEFINITELY DOES NOT ACCURATELY PORTRAY MY SENSE OF OUR INTERACTIONS WITH SRM. Our couple of interactions with SRM have been very civil. Terry the project manager has been reasonable to work with and open about the project.

2) WE DID NOT ASK FOR MUCH FROM SRM. Our first request was just to learn more of what the project was. There has not been a single posting on Broadway or 10th of the project, nor any outreach by SRM or B of A to let the community know what is going on. Comically Bank of America claims they can not even figure out who in the company is in charge of the project so there is no one to talk to!

3) WE WOULD LIKE OUR RESIDENTIAL STREET TO MAINTAIN A RESIDENTIAL FEEL. We feel this can be done by putting in some evergreen plantings along the eastern edge of the parking lots so that greenery is seen when walking down the street and from our homes rather than pavement. We feel this could be done in creative ways that would fit in well with the great Poppy restaurant, which is next to the proposed bank branch, perhaps by increasing their current edible garden with a bed along 10th. We have talked with a landscape designer who has told us there are some great reasonably priced solutions to accomplish this. Our concerns also have been heightened by the previous removal of trees from the street in front of the current Diamond parking lot a few years ago which happened suddenly without neighborhood or city approval. In the end, this request was met with a response that this would be impossible because it would jeopardize a single parking slot.

4) WE WOULD LIKE TRAFFIC FLOW ISSUES TO BE ADDRESSED. When we asked how many cars per hour would be using the bank, the answer was “we don’t know”. The main requirement comes from B of A corporate that they need 40 parking spaces. From what we could determine, this was a generic requirement whether the bank branch was in suburbia or a high density urban area. Anyway most of the new development along broadway has been very sensitive to routing traffic off of broadway rather than through residential streets. A perfect example of this is the BRIX development where parking is accessed on Mercer st a very short distance off of Broadway. We asked the developer to work with us on putting in a traffic circle at Roy and 10th or speed bumps along 10th to mitigate the increased traffic but received no willingness at all to do this.

5) HOUSES ARE BEING TORN DOWN, WHEN THERE IS A VERY GOOD CHANCE A PARKING LOT DOES NOT MEET CITY CODES AND CAN NOT BE BUILT. Even if it is allowed it will be done only as a 2 year home for B of A. This seems like a total waste of perfectly good housing especially when viewed against the recent announcement by the Joule apartments that their entire south block, with plenty of parking underneath, will remain vacant at least until 2012.

6) SRM ONLY HAS A PERMIT TO DEMOLISH EXISTING HOMES. For some reason SRM has not applied with the city to put in a parking lot, nor discussed with the city whether this meets city codes. When we talked with the city we were almost immediately informed that it is very unlikely they will be able to put a parking lot in as they have no way to dispose of the surface water (as the sewer line along 10th is “sanitary only” so surface water can not be diverted into it). Also there are new codes that require some of the water to be absorbed on the property itself with green drainage areas. The plans for the parking lot that we have seen is for an impermeable asphalt surface to cover the entire lot.

7) THIS BASICALLY IS A PERMANENT PARKING LOT. One would guess that this block would be redeveloped at some point but it is actually very unlikely. The southwest corner of the block was a former gas station and the land underneath it very likely contaminated and will be very costly and risky to develop (hence it has been a parking lot for as long as I can remember). The rest of the block is owned in checkerboard fashion by 3 different owners who would all have to come together to redevelop it. From what we have been told 2 of the owners have had conflicts over the years and no longer talk to each other.

8) THE PARKING LOT BEHIND POPPY COULD EASILY BE USED BY B OF A DURING THE DAYTIME. This lot is very rarely used during the day when B of A needs parking spots. SRM does not deny this at all. SRM’s response that they “could not rely on parking at the existing lot since it is under different ownership” seems doubtful. We propose that SRM talks with Diamond and signs a lease for use of the under-utilized lot during the day. Diamond Parking would would therefore have a more profitable lot and could make visual improvements while still improving their bottom line.

9) WE FULLY SUPPORT A THRIVING VIBRANT BUSINESS COMMUNITY ON CAP HILL. We want this project to be a success for the community, business and everyone involved.


14 years ago

I have given up on Seattle having a f*cking clue of what it means to have any history. They seem only want big box store type of buildings where ever they can. NO sense of neighborhood, or character. What has happened to this city? I agree in property rights, however at the same time there should be some care of what the neighborhood will look like after. They dont. We will have another vacant lot on Broadway. Seattle and Capitol Hill will soon look like downtown Bellevue, or any middle American city soon…so sad.

Zef Wagner
Zef Wagner
14 years ago

First of all, Bank of America is not a “bix box store.” Banks are an essential part of any retail district–how else would small businesses make their deposit drops throughout the day?

Secondly, the lot in question is not on Broadway, it’s on 10th. In traditional Main Street design, the parking lots are always behind the buildings, rather than in front like strip malls in the suburbs do. So actually, this project is more “Seattle” than “Bellevue” in character. Not to say I love the idea of a parking lot, but this is clearly going to be temporary until the property is redeveloped to the zoning limit.

14 years ago

As a resident of the building across from where the proposed parking lot would be, I have to say that it is definitely an unpleasant prospect to look out everyday at cars and a paved parking lot instead of a home with trees/grass/a garden/people in it. The block already has a gas station and a parking lot; can the parking lot for Poppy share with Bank of America, as nobody uses that lot until the evening, after bank hours? This is a great neighborhood, and it seems odd for developers to start infringing on residential blocks with parking lots instead of trying to come up with new, creative solutions. If they do build it anyway, I hope that it is built keeping in mind the fact that it is in a neighborhood.

14 years ago

Let’s be clear, this is not infringement. You had to have known what could have happend when you moved in so close to something with this type of zoning.

14 years ago

I walk along that block almost every day and have never seen any human activity at either the duplex closest to 10th, or the small house behind it. The “garden” is nothing to speak of, and the two dwellings are undistinguished, to say the least, so I don’t think you’ll be missing much.

There is already a nice tree buffer (on the planting strip) between you and the proposed parking lot, and an even better one if you can persuade Poppy to plant some trees on their planting strip. So, honestly, I can’t see what you’re worried about.

14 years ago

I lived in an apartment across the street from this projected “lot.” It was so nice to be parallel to Broadway and not hear anything, due to having houses and trees. If the lot is created nothing but noise will come of it. For such an environmental city, all they are doing is adding more pavement and less green.

14 years ago

This story sort of misses the point Sure, you can do what you want with a property as long as you follow the city regulations and get the appropriate permits, but this developer didn’t do that. They don’t even have a permit to build a parking lot — they only have a permit to tear down the building.

Neither Bank of America or the developer knows why Bank of America needs 40 parking spots, especially for what is supposed to a “temporary” location. Combined with the existing parkling lots, it will put nearly 75 parking spaces on a residential street. The Brix wasn’t allowed to put the entrance to its parking area on 10th Ave. East, they couldn’t just build six stories on the street because the city deemed it was too residential. There are also ordinances about arbitrarily pulling down trees, too. why was the Brix threatened with a $10k fine if it took down trees but these developers had planned to just rip them out with no permits — and the trees are on public property, not private property since they are planted on the other side of the sidewalk, which is a city easement area.

Everyone must play by the same rules. Why this developer seems to think they can blow off city permits or fail to get approval for land use like every other business in this area is really at the heart of the issue. They were trying to pull one over on the neighborhood AND the city and that’s the point.

I have a business in the area, and the neighbors here are excellent cusomters and very accommodating and I think that it’s in Bank of America’s best interest to try to do the right thing by them.

14 years ago

Yeah, but the city heavily regulated what they could do with those Brix and the Joule buildings, and those developers worked with the local residents to try to come up with compromises. Quite a different scenario. A bix mixed-used building would be better than a parking lot. They also would not let them just arbitrarily pull down mature trees, either.

14 years ago

Are they demolishing the entire building between Poppy and Jade Pagoda, or are they keeping the existing structure and retrofitting????

14 years ago

Dirk and – (minus?)
Been shills for the development company long?
A couple neighbors walking across the street to to chat about what’s up with the front loading bulldozers, eviction notices, and dumpsters blocking a street is about as proactive as you can get. They are property owners too. Dumb of a dev company to not simply post a use notice and drop off some fliers.

14 years ago

No name,

Whether you think I am a shill or not is not relevant. Noboby said anything about whether someone was proactive or not.

Your issues are still made up. Good luck! If you want to work with the developer don’t make things up and say your rights are being infringed.

Mike Klozar
Mike Klozar
14 years ago

Hey guys, use your real names. This is not some bitter antagonistic fight. None of this is made up from any party. This is a discussion.

I created the Facebook page, at Andy Loos of SRM request, of “where can I email all of you and what do you guys propose?” This article should have been titled: “Neighbors work with developer to build a better parking lot.” I am not against a bank going in to vacant buildings. And parking is always needed on Capitol Hill. The only issues were: Construction started with no notice and after initially talking with us SRM seemed they didn’t want to be bothered with ideas to beautify and blend the parking lot into the neighborhood.

My neighbor Mike Frost and I (seems we’re all named Mike) were out cutting the curbside grass, started chatting and noticed the work had amped up. We walked over and asked the foremen what was going up. He said the buildings were going down and a parking lot going in for the bank. Then an SRM guy came over and we all talked. We asked about keeping trees or putting in some grass or planting areas. Also I asked if they could have the dumpster guy load the dumpster about 20 feet down the street to be careful not to block my driveway. I have two resident doctors that rent half of the duplex. Vince is at Children’s hospital and his wife Susan is the University of Washington Medical center.

I suggested what we all meet (the foreman, SRM, BoA, whomever) over dinner one night and my wife, a chef, could cook and we could all talk about what we could do with plantings, “Dark Sky” lighting, and driveway entrances to not increase traffic flow with the school just around the corner. Jerry of Poppy joined in and offered we could all meet at his restaurant. This seemed like an exciting community/business effort.

I’m happy Mike Kent (yet another Mike) wrote an article on this, but “War of Words” and taking quotes that sound adversarial is not helping us work together. And you two who are not posting names and or using fake names (apologies if “Dirk” or “-“ is your real name) and with anonymous multiple votes for your own comments? Seems you were on this this story the second it came out, so I’m not surprised someone thought it was a bit too convenient. Almost like it is your job.

Here’s the deal. All the facts here are real. Stop by any of our places on the 600 block of 10th. I’ll buy you a beer or a coke (not sure how old you are), introduce you to the doctors, the neighbors, the shop owners (Irene who owns the gas station, “Two” who owns the Thai place, etc.) and I’ll show you where SRM was parking the dumpster, and point out where we want the trees to remain and grass patches to absorb water runoff.

I’m glad to talk to you anytime. I’m a real person. I live on this street, love the hill, and love the diversity and caring of the people who live here. And I want the bank to succeed, Poppy to thrive, and would someone please put in a real hardware store.

Stop by anytime! And that dinner invite for SRM, BoA and A.Jones is always open. And for you two as well, seems you might work there.

Mike Klozar
Resident and duplex owner

14 years ago


They are retrofititng the buildings that used to be Siam on Broadway, El Tajin, and another frequently empty restaurant. They are not touching 606 Browdway, the old Jade Pagoda, owned by Craig Swanson.

The Bank of America will be here for two years. I think it’s good to fill these vacant business spots, even temporarily. SRM told me that Alan Jones owns both the property where the current BofA is located, now being redeveloped, and this section of 600 Broadway. He gave BofA short lease to be here while they build the new development. BofA wanted 40 parking spots, so they leased all the spots on the corner of Broadway & Mercer and are building a new 20 car lot behind the temporary bank (the new lot on 10th) next to the exisitng Diamond lot behind the gas station, which the bank will not be using.

Mike Klozar
Neighbor on 10th Ave E

14 years ago


This block will eventually become a “Brix” style building in 10 or 20 years when Alan Jones and Craig Swanson can work out the rubix cube of property issues.

A Brix style residential street facade, as required by the City of Seattle zoning for 10th AVE E, would be welcome. This could provide street level business on Broadway too.

Some of the rental buildings 10th are run down (and owned by the parties above) so you can see why we, the neighboring property owners, would want to take the opportunity of demolition and parking lot construction to put in some real green space, trees, and better lighting.

We approaced SRM with the offer of our suggestions, time and money to get this done. And that offer remains.

Mike Klozar

14 years ago

I used to live on this wonderful quaint little block. It was special because it was tree-lined – houses and apartments on each side of the street – quiet and yet a hop skip and a jump from all the action on Broadway. It was perfect. It is a tiny little street however and the thought of giant construction trucks driving up and down this road seems like a recipe for disaster. One side of the street has cars parked on the street – there is no room for big vehicles.
A parking lot isn’t needed. The parking lot that I believe is now used for patrons visiting Poppy etc. at night is rarely if ever used during the day. Why couldn’t the bank use the parking lot during the day? It would provide excellent income to the owners of that parking lot and banks aren’t open at night – so no competeing priorities. With this solution – the sewers aren’t impacted – the doctors can get to the hospitals quickly – the houses remains and the tiny little oasis remains intack. You pave paradise and put up a parking lot. Please take a look around – there are solutions available that would cost less and be nicer to the environment as well as the people who live on 10th Ave E.

14 years ago

Impacts due to construction are only temporary. They may be annoying but again they go away.

The sewer issue is made up. There is no proof that there will be a negative impact.

Dump trucks will not be blocking driveways. If they do, just ask them to move. They won’t be there in the evening or the middle of the night. The doctors will be fine.

Are there any other non-issues we can resolve now?

Jeff Maness
Jeff Maness
14 years ago

For a year I lived in a residence on the 600 block of Broadway directly across from where the proposed parking lot would exist. Previous to that I have lived in a number of large cities, including internationally. The one thing that impressed me the most about Seattle was the Capitol Hill area, its eclectic, urban vibe and the interesting people that make it home. In fact, I understoodd that Capitol Hill connected to the downtown corridor was one of the most densely populated areas in the United States ranking near the top with contenders such as San Francisco and New York. I found that really impressive….and got the impression that this was something people were proud of. So I’m a little surprised that some comments on here are referring to concerned residents as whiners when it strikes me that these individuals are clearly local residents….who have lived and been committed to this area for some time and who are committed to preserving what makes Capitol Hill so special.

In my opinion, any socially mindful person could spend only a few minutes in Capitol HIll and realise that what makes CH special is the people, not the parking lots. In fact, has anyone on here actually walked around any of the parking lots throughout the Hill. I walked to work every day for a year and spent my entire free time around the Hill, and I can honestly say that of all the unappealing, unmanged, eye sores…its is without a doubt the parking lots. They are complete and utter eye sores and if they look good for the first year, it isn’t long before they look neglected and often unkept.

I see this about how to preserve a community and urban landscape and I find it disappointing that after the crummy mess so many banks (and commercial developments) put us in over these last few years, that more people aren’t questioning their intent. Intent means their commitment to the community…not their commercial interests (ie how to make money). To tear down residences in one of the most densely populated neighborhoods in teh US simply to build a parking lot for a temprorary commercial tenant (a bank none the less) seems wrong. Plain and simple.

We all know that once its there and rents agreements are signed, the property owners have little or no concern about the effect it has on neighbors and the greater community or how its maintained. Again, just walk aroudn the Hill and tell me what condition the parking lots are in and how you think they look in conjunction with the rest of the urban landscape. . Residents all over Capitol Hill want parking, as do all the people who come in to the area, but it should the be residents that have the biggest say in what an how that looks. They are the ones, over decades have made Capitol Hill what it is. Without them, there would be no bank and the area woudldn’t be appealing to commercial businesses. Its the residents that will have the long term interest at heart…not someone who is willing to plop down a temproary parking lot.

I’m personally grateful that someone is standing up and asking questions. Rememeber what happened over the last two years, when we didn’t ask any questions and the banks and commercial developers ran amuck. It ended up taking our economy (and home values) on a roller coaster ride that cost all of us.

Jeff Maness
Jeff Maness
14 years ago

I’m curious….in the agreement with Bank of America and the property owner…who gets income from the parking lot being used outside of Bank of America customer usage? If the intent is to generate long term profit relative to parking, then the project should required the parking to be put underground and should be subject to the same guidelines and rules that the surrounding devleopments (QFC, the Brix, etc) were subject too.

14 years ago

Dirk and -, I live around here so you can kiss my @$$ if you don’t like the fact that I rave about the things I like and complain about stuff I don’t like in my neighborhood.

Zef, when was the last time you were on a major urban artery in NY or San Francisco and saw a parking lot behind a store? To say that this project is “Seattle” because it doesn’t look like the suburbs is just plain dumb. If you want to live on “Main Street” I suggest you move to Ellinsburg. The reason why many of use on this blog aren’t all that thrilled about this project is because a North Carolina based corporate bank doesn’t add much value to those of us who live around here.

I second the earlier post that suggested that this new parking lot should host the Capital Hill Farmers’ Market while the old BoA site is being remodeled. Now that would add a little value to our block. At the very least they can plant some effin trees and plants on the street. If not, I might “accidentally” let my dog crap in their parking lot every night for the next two years.

700 Broadway East resident

14 years ago

??, with regards to your comment, “are there any other non-issues we can resolve now”: With that kind of sensitivity to my neighborhood’s concerns about your proposed development, it is no wonder we don’t want you to be a larger part of our community.

700 Broadway East resident

Mike Klozar
Mike Klozar
14 years ago

I just got off the phone with Ron Mucovich, Director of Real Estate Management at Bank of America. He told me that my email of a few weeks ago to BoA asking if there was any way the community here on North Broadway could offer its services to build a better, greener, and more residential parking lot, took awhile to wind its way through the bureaucracy (his words) and find him.

The good news is BoA says they are “thrilled to work with the community and will instruct the Developer, SRM, that BoA does not mind giving up a couple parking spots, use special lighting, add planting strips, repositioning pay stations or whatever they can do to preserve neighborhood feel. “

I have a call into Andy Loos at SRM (The Developer) to setup a time with a master gardener and some reps from the community to see what we can work out together. If anyone has suggestions or wants to help plant, please post here so we can bring up your ideas.

Thanks to everyone for staying positive and not letting this conversation degrade into an us-versus-them situation. I suspect some on this thread might be paid to post comments to intimidate and shut down the inevitable “community wacko” who want to stop any development. But we’ve proven that obstruction was never the intention of the community members that posted here, on the facebook page or in contact the BoA and SRM. It has always intended as a good natured win-win for the community and the businesses involved.

Mike Klozar
Resident and home owner, 600 block of 10th AVE

Mike Klozar
Mike Klozar
14 years ago

What a great day. With Bank of America excited to donate a couple parking spots for planting strips, SRM is free to help us out before pavement is poured in place. We’re meeting with SRM Development tomorrow to plot out locations. Kudos to them for fitting in these last minute changes. We’re going to make them as low or no impact as possible on their deadlines.

When we all work together, great things happen. And this case is proof!

Cheers to all!

14 years ago

Perhaps the person who should have been knocking on your door to let you know the plan was the owner of the property who took $1.00 and leased the property on a 20 year lease in exchange for him getting a shiny new building.
If you think $800. is affordable for a 380 square ft dump with no yard, I beg to differ.
The loss of the three eating establishments is quite sad. I don’t know where your neighborhood rats will eat and die now. The ton of grease on the roof and in the kitchens certainly made a filthy heaven for nasty creatures.
And the demolition is over! Oh, what was that….2 weeks?