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What’s missing from this picture?

Something has been taken from Broadway. What is it?

Need a hint? It’s something that used to be in the picture below.

Need more? Check out this picture taken from the same spot 3 months ago today.

That’s right. It’s the Lamborghini that used to be above Club Lagoon, which was taken down this morning so that the new sign for the Highline can go up. We recently covered the loss of the Lamborghini and the gain of the Highline vegan restaurant back in February, and now it looks like it’s actually happening.

As to the actual Lamborghini, I was unable to get any word as to the fate of Broadway’s once iconic car. Workers charged with installing the Highline sign only knew that it was gone. Presumably, the owner took it home to use as an piece of installation art in his living room, which I can only imagine also has lots of Miami Vice memorabilia and a leopard print couch.


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great more smug vegans
great more smug vegans
14 years ago

*eyeroll* at all things ‘vegan.’

14 years ago

Great, more meat eating assholes. *eyeroll* at all things asshole.

14 years ago

A vegan restaurant makes food for vegans. It doesn’t make vegans. It’s not like the number of vegans in the area is suddenly going to increase because a restaurant opens.

14 years ago

I think the number of vegans would increase in the area.

Jackie Parker
Jackie Parker
14 years ago

I like vegan restaurants. I’m happy to see another one.

Also, *snicker* for the whole article.

14 years ago

more options on broadway is a good thing. the lambo was pretty sweet but that spot was empty forever…about time someone used the space for something productive.

who cares if its vegan or not? if you’re not into vegan, dont go there.

14 years ago

Wasn’t this same car once hated by all for being hideous? Now we are saying farewell to Broadways “iconic car”? Seattlites can’t stand change. This proves it.

14 years ago

I know I don’t like change. I’m serious, I find change upsetting.

14 years ago

One can consider something to be iconic and still think that it’s hideous (see: Sarah Palin). Of course, Wikipedia’s article on the subject does take note that the word “iconic” is overused according to some writers ( so maybe you have a point.

14 years ago

Palin or Obama are great examples. Just looking at both sides.

14 years ago

Who the fuck is smug here? I eat meat *and* like frequenting vegan places, you can go shovel all the Dicks you want down your throat a block’s distance away.

14 years ago

Uh, no. It was always trashy. Nobody’s lamenting its loss.

final answer
final answer
14 years ago

This non-car-owning vegetarian couldn’t be happier!

14 years ago

How smug of you.

14 years ago

I don’t care what kind of restaurant is going in. Just glad that dreadful car is gone. It was an eyesore of the day it went up.

something else
something else
14 years ago

Agreed, final answer! Can’t wait to visit Highline…

14 years ago

Eat an egg roll

14 years ago

I’m totally lamenting. I live nearby to the “iconic” plastic car and it was how I could find my building through the little telescopes at the Space Needle.

14 years ago

Or a vegan spring roll. The ones at Teapot are huge and yummy.

Comrade Bunny
Comrade Bunny
14 years ago

Thank goodness that wretched thing is gone. That was a terrible sign.

14 years ago

Lookin’ good, Highline! Can’t wait to see the new sign! Better yet, can’t wait to eat some awesome vegan food and have a brew!