According to the city light guys- apparently there was a crow that got stuck in the power box at the top of the telephone pole on the NE side of the Pine/ melrose intersection. Power outages throughout the neighborhood, and several shops closed…
Goes against the ‘hood bloggers creed but I stepped into the story and moved the bird into the bushes after the picture so it’s gone now.
Scott Thompsen, spokesperson for Seattle City Light, says the official report is “underground cable failure”
We had three outages yesterday. The largest affecting 2800 customers was bordered by Republican on the north, Denney Way on the south, Aurora on the West and I-5 on the east.
All three were reported as underground cable failures.
Happened in our area some years ago. Fried crow. Blackened transformer. City Light. New transformer. Bliss.
Not my fav. pic.
A crowbituary.