note the use of a heavy coating of dirt and rust to obscure the signs and further confuse outsiders. classic Seattle.
Swift Albero
14 years ago
to The Lookout.
14 years ago
I like to stop by Top Pot and drink coffee on the benches
14 years ago
4th Ave, 4th Ave N and 4th Ave W can be found within a few blocks of each other.
14 years ago
There are tons of variations of Peachtree Streets there, many within blocks of each other, and some intersecting each other.
14 years ago
I used to live in that building in the mid 90’s when I was a teenager and moved out for the first time. Great place…The back of it was a parking lot for the tenants it is another apt. complex. The was a little old asian lady who owned the liquor store across the street who was very nice…I wonder if she is still around…ah the good days
We’ll try to get this on the homepage later today
I used to live there. Is this suddenly a new thing? That intersection/building is 100 years old.
We neighbors who lived there call it “Tri-Bell”… wait, I should probably copyright that… okay, I just did!
It could be in Bellevue!
note the use of a heavy coating of dirt and rust to obscure the signs and further confuse outsiders. classic Seattle.
to The Lookout.
I like to stop by Top Pot and drink coffee on the benches
4th Ave, 4th Ave N and 4th Ave W can be found within a few blocks of each other.
There are tons of variations of Peachtree Streets there, many within blocks of each other, and some intersecting each other.
I used to live in that building in the mid 90’s when I was a teenager and moved out for the first time. Great place…The back of it was a parking lot for the tenants it is another apt. complex. The was a little old asian lady who owned the liquor store across the street who was very nice…I wonder if she is still around…ah the good days