The City of Seattle is planning to make cutbacks in departments and services to overcome a projected $50 million budget shortfall in the coming year. We’ve written about some likely targets for cuts in Seattle Parks but the belt-tightening is likely to be felt in many areas of city government. Before the final budget decisions are made, City Hall is offering citizens two opportunities to speak out about potential cuts and solutions at upcoming hearing.
Seattle City Council and Mayor to host joint public hearings for the City’s budget
SEATTLE – Seattle City Councilmembers will join Mayor McGinn and community organizations for two budget-related public hearings.
Based on preliminary projections, the City of Seattle faces a $50 million general fund deficit for 2011, as a result of continued economic turmoil. In addition, revenues for 2010, are expected to be $10 million less than anticipated. In the face of these shortfalls, the City of Seattle faces some very difficult budget decisions in the coming months. Residents are invited to make their voice heard.
Balancing our city’s budget in tough times requires a great deal of direction, constructive input from citizens and the careful ordering of priorities.
Who: Seattle City Councilmembers and Mayor Mike McGinn
What: 2011 budget public hearings
When/where: Wednesday, April 28, 2010
New Holly Gathering Hall
5 p.m. Sign-in
5:30 p.m. Public hearing
7054 32nd Ave South, Seattle, 98108Tuesday, May 4, 2010
North Seattle Community College cafeteria
5 p.m. Sign-in
5:30 p.m. Public hearing
9600 College Way North, Seattle, 98103
Thought we elected these people to make these decisions for us. When is the mayor and the city council going to stop leading by committee and simply lead? Election time is over, get to it or step aside and let someone else drive.