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muggings on north broadway.

It has been a common subject between my peers and myself that there have been a lot of muggings around the north broadway area. A friend of mine was mugged by three men while smoking a cigarette outside of her apartment complex. A couple of days later, another friend of mine had to call 911 for a customer because she was mugged a block away from his bar. While talking about these muggings with a co-worker, he told me that a friend of his was jumped on aloha. There have been numerous other muggings i’ve heard about while sitting at the bar at sun liquor. How can we stop this?! I am concerned for everyone’s safety and to open to all opinions on how to make our community safer.

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14 years ago

several in the last week. a small friend was beat down to the ground and has two black eyes, another had some teeth knocked out on a separate occasion. it sounds like the same group of men–i suggest walking around with a friend after dark on the hill. leave cash at home and if need be get a dummy wallet worth nothing and keep a small amount of money in it. it’s unbelievable that there have been this many serious muggings involving violence in the last few weeks–don’t give them the ability to keep this up!

14 years ago

I live a few blocks from Pine and Bellevue and I used to see police cars patrolling the side streets at night. It was normal to see them all the time since the police station is on Pine.

I am nocturnal and walk everywhere. I keep an eye out these last few months so as not to get jacked, and I can’t remember the last time I have seen a police car driving around here at night, even on the larger streets. I think it’s silly that I can go from Olive St. and Bellevue to Pike and Broadway on foot at night and never see a cop drive by once. I also never ever see them on Summit as of late, a street which begs to be patrolled. I noticed this back in January and I’m wondering why. Is our police division short-handed?

14 years ago

Has anyone thought of starting a Capitol Hill neighborhood watch? Perhaps its time with this sudden spike in crime.

14 years ago

The East Precinct recently faxed out a crime report alert for the area to major hospitals about the increase in muggings. They seem to occur most frequently between 6:00 pm to 6:00 am or so according to their fax and the targets were often asked for the time or directions and vulnerable people were also targets.

Be safe everyone! Remember, no headphones or chatting on iPhones while walking alone.

14 years ago

Well, poster #1 Boylston – if you gave us some details of what these punks looked like that your friends encountered, then maybe we could be on extra careful lookout for them late at night. It would be appreciated, thanks!

And I’m hoping they aren’t just your “typical thugs.” I’m already on lookout for them.

14 years ago

Last month i was the victim of what i guess was an attempted mugging although all they got from me was a punch in the face for one of them. I was walking alone near Summit and Pine at around 1am (yeah i know) and a car pulled up next to me with 3 young (probably late teens?)african american men yelling obscenities at me. When they piled out and confronted me, i was “stupid” enough to respond aggressively at which point one of them pushed me to the ground and tried to get my wallet. I was lucky enough to clock him once really hard in the face, got up and ran like hell all the way home. Thankfully they didn’t follow me. I didn’t report it and since have felt like i should have because i’m reading about all these similar incidents. I got away with a sprained wrist from falling awkwardly and some resulting paranoia that these dudes will see me again and recognize me. Sigh. I’m not seeing many cops around either.

14 years ago

I would love the idea of a Neighborhood Watch. I live on Harvard and Roy and like an idiot find myself walking home as last as 2:30 am some weekends. Being a 23 year old female, this is really dumb of me. I didn’t think so as much before but recently I keep reading about all these muggings. I often end up walking alone shouting crazy things to seem crazy myself in hopes no attacks me? So far so good but you know, I look crazy so I wouldn’t mind an additional option. It’s just so tempting sometimes when the weather is so nice out!! I like walking!!

14 years ago

Apparently I was so excited as I typed this that I neglected to proof-read. Pardon my typos and grammatical errors, please.

14 years ago

Two and a half weeks ago my friend was attacked and brutally beaten on north Broadway while walking home from Highline. A tooth was broken, ribs were bruised and there were many stitches on his chin. I don’t believe that he was actually robbed but that could also have been a detail that was glazed over in context. It was a single attacker and he jumped my friend from behind, the street was basically empty and he had to take a taxi to the emergency room.

I’m a twenty something woman and have lived on the hill for over five years, I used to feel confident and comfortable walking just about everywhere but now… I don’t know, this all breaks my heart a little.

Katy Brown
Katy Brown
14 years ago

I am going to organize a neighborhood watch. I am tired of the crime and vagrant populations. Please contact me for more information!

katy brown
katy brown
14 years ago