Capitol Hill’s egg hunts came early this year — so, if you want to participate in any of the official city events, you’ll need to crash the fun in another neighborhood. Check out the attached PDF for off-Hill targets, kids. That doesn’t mean there can’t be more to your Easter Sunday than stuffing yourself on Peeps, however. Here are some Cap Hill Easter Bunny approved treats to consider.
- CHS egg hunt in Cal Anderson Park: We’re hiding
106! CHS Crow Eggs somewhere around the park and Bobby Morris playfield. Inside each will be your official certificate for some nice prizes including Northwest Film Forum passes, a free CHS birthday message for you or a friend, and, of course, your very own CHS crow button. Eggs will be hidden but will require no digging, climbing, breaking, entering forbidden areas or use of explosives. Have fun. CHS Egg Hunt starts Friday: We’ll ask finders to e-mail us so we’ll update until they’re all found. Hints on our Facebook Fan Page - UPDATE: Garfield Community Center egg hunt: Starts at 10a for kids 11 and under. Details from CDNews.
- In addition to the off-Hill egg hunts, smaller community efforts can be found around the Hill including one in Volunteer Park. You can find info at Volunteer Park Cafe. The cafe is also hosting an Easter brunch, reservation required.
- Also on the brunch end of things, CHS sponsor Tidbit Bistro celebrates Pasqua 2010 with a $30 prix-fixe menu.
- St. Joe’s Parish at 19th and Aloha offers a 7 AM mass and ‘Festive Eucharists” at 9 and 11 AM while St. Mark’s begins its service at 8:30 AM. St. Mark’s will also have an egg hunt following its services.
- Capitol Hill’s Church of the Undignified is holding a sunrise service at Cal Anderson’s fountain starting at 6:45 AM.
- The Naked Girls Reading series breaks out the divine for a session of spiritual and religious texts. As usual, you’ll find the readings in Odd Fellows West Hall, Sunday night starting at 7 PM.
Passion Week
Stations of the Cross
April 2 (sunrise) — April 4 (1pm)
An art based walk on church grounds following the steps of Christ to the cross
Good Friday
April 2
Stations of the Cross 7:00pm
Worship Gathering 7:45pm
A meditative worship service
April 4
Sunrise Service 6:30am
Cal Anderson Park
(2 blocks east of the church)
Community Breakfast
(after sunrise service until 8:30am)
at Capitol Hill Presbyterian
Easter Services
9:00 and 10:45
Thanks for adding
Posting about soon. First to report a prize code wins a $100 gift basket from Babeland (or a CHS gift pack if you’d rather!)
I was the one who got CHS@@3$2.