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Bus changes on Capitol Hill: Metro adding service on route 8, cutting others

When Metro’s service changes go into effect on February 6, Capitol Hill will see an increase in peak-time service, but a decrease in non-peak service.  Although Metro avoided the 20% system wide cuts that were thought possible when Metro first announced it’s revenue shortfall, it is still having to save money through scheduling efficiencies and a 2% service cut targeted at unproductive trips (via STB).

For us here on Capitol Hill, that means we’ll be seeing less frequent off-peak service on the 10, 12 & 14 routes.  But it’s not all bad news, Metro is increasing frequency for the 9, 60 and the always crowded 8.

Cap Hill Bus Map by Oran Viriyincy

And for anyone heading to the airport, the 194 is being axed entirely, because it duplicates LINK service.  

UPDATE: Seadevi points out that also as of Feb 6, you will also be able to load bikes at any downtown bus stop at any time of the day, whereas before it was prohibited during peak times.  

Click here for more info on the Metro service changes.

Click here (.pdf) for info on Sound Transit’s service changes.

Below is more detailed info on the metro changes affecting Cap Hill. Let us know if there’s something in the changes we missed.


Service will improve to every 15 minutes weekdays from about 4:45 am to 7:30 pm. On Saturday, service will improve to every 15 minutes from about 8 am to 7 pm.   


Service will improve to every 30 minutes weekdays from about 9 am to 3 pm. Also, southbound service will be extended by one hour to about 7:30 pm. 


On Sunday, early morning and late evening service frequency will be reduced from 30 minutes to 60 minutes. 


On Sunday, early morning and late evening service frequency will be reduced from 30 minutes to 60 minutes.


Service will improve to every 15 to 20 minutes between 6:30 am and 6 pm weekdays. Northbound trips will leave from a new bus stop northbound on 15th Ave SW & SW 100th St. Two new southbound trips will leave 10th Ave E & E Mercer St at 10:10 and 11:10 pm. Route 60 will also be revised to serve the Olson Pl/Meyers Way P&R on weekdays.


Route 194 will be replaced by Link light rail and expanded ST Express service between Federal Way and downtown Seattle. For alternative service between downtown Seattle and Sea-Tac Airport, board Link in the Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel. For service to Federal Way, board ST routes 577 and 578 westbound on Lenora St just east of 4th Ave or on 2nd Ave at Lenora, Pike, Seneca, Marion, and James streets, and on 2nd Ave Ext S at S Jackson St. ST Route 574 will also provide more trips on weekday mornings between SeaTac and Federal Way including service to Star Lake and Kent-Des Moines park-and-rides.

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15 years ago

Nice map, but would be nicer if it had Rt 14 on it.

Michael Strangeways
Michael Strangeways
15 years ago

It’s not so much a time thing with the #8 but a size thing…during rush hour they need to use the big, articulated buses on EVERY trip.

15 years ago

Agree. Almost every time I take the 8 up the hill from work (over by REI) I have to get off the bus to let other people off. It gets super packed in there.

michael Woodward
michael Woodward
15 years ago

Metro and Sound Transit say the Link Light Rail will replace all of the 194 runs to the airport. This is a very false statement. The first run in the morning on the 194 is NOT being replaced by the LINK light rail. The first run of the Link doesnt run til an hour after the 194 does. This is a major problem for anyone who wants to use public transportation to get to the airport, i.e: the employees of the airport, or anyone who is flying out on a very early morning flight. Once again MAJOR FAIL on Seattle’s part in keeping cars off the roads. All of this money spent on transportation and there are still major holes.

15 years ago

Two new earlier runs starting at Stadium Station have been added.

They can’t start in the tunnel because it isn’t open yet.

There was going to be hourly night owl service directly between Airport Station and downtown, but that also fell under the budget axe. I see such night owl service as a necessity, given that the airport is a 24/7/365 operation.