Justin for the tip and the picture of the emergency response.
The suspects were described as five black males wearing hoodies and dark clothing. According to police radio chatter, the group ‘did not get anything’ in the robbery.
In that attack, a woman was hit in the head with an unknown object.
There was also a report of an incident that caused damage to a car at 21st and Jefferson possibly involving the same group.
The crimes fit into recent unwanted Capitol Hill crime trends — here’s one recent example of the anecdotal increase in street robberies we’ve noted here at CHS. The other criminal uptick noted recently on the Hill: non-residential burglary.
Likely no further updates tonight. No reports of any other attacks in the area. We’ll update when we get a chance to talk to SPD.
Word of another confrontation involving this group Saturday night. We’ll have more on these incidents on Monday.
in Seattle…?
Personal Safety Devices help in these situations: TASERS and Sprays, to start…