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Union shop: I Love New York Deli to debut off Broadway

I Love New York Deli announced plans last week for a Capitol Hill expansion beyond their two current locations in Pike Place Market and the University District. Good sandwiches are good news! But there’s a big hole in the story — where exactly will the new Capitol Hill deli be located.

We spoke to owner Jon Jacobs last Friday as he was on his way to delivering a signed lease to the broker.  We are still waiting for confirmation from Jon on the location of the new I <3 NY but based on information we have gathered -- the new shop will be 6,000 square feet and is located off Broadway near Pike/Pine -- we believe they will be opening the location at 954 East Union. This is the only space that's been available of this size (there's still another 14,000 square feet available at this location as of 1/13/10) that is off Broadway in close proximity to Pike/Pine.



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15 years ago

as i was walking through that area sunday afternoon i saw a small group inside (at the southest corner of the building) with one person kneeling down applying light blue paint to a column. what does that mean? maybe nothing but if you think that I <3 NY could be moving in there it might be the owner looking at potential color schemes.

interesting food choices in the area if the deli does move in. we’ll have a fish fry, new york deli sandwiches and fancy pants hot dogs; all within a block of each other.

15 years ago

yay yay yay yay yay!!!!!!!!

15 years ago

Agreed. This would be nice. That area needs more love.

15 years ago

I too spotted work on that building yesterday. Although not too much was done it looked like a neat space, I’m very excited!

From a retail history perspective, it is quite interesting to see things move South to Union. There are some beautiful buildings down that way and the vehicle traffic is generally lighter. I do think the 10th Ave streetscape needs to be fixed up a bit though.

linder seattle
linder seattle
15 years ago

Permits for that address indicate that they want to demo this building and then “Establish use as retail and residential apartments and construct new mixed use building.”

(Looks like these plans have been in the works off/on for the past few years – including this land use notice w/attached decision from 2008, with the latest permitting process in progress between Oct-Dec 2009).

Maybe they are renting the space until the new project gets going?