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Reminder: First Capitol Hill community emergency preparedness meeting tonight

Monday night is the first meeting of Capitol Hill Preparedness People! or CHiPP. (We prefer Capitol Hill Preparedness People without the exclamation point, fwiw. Quieter, calmer emergency prep for us, thanks.) As we first reported, CHiPP is being kickstarted by Hill resident Angela Wallis. On the group’s Facebook page, she says this is what you can expect at the first meeting which is being held at Bluebird on Pike just above 12th Ave starting at 7 PM:

Neighbors will meet to discuss why we should be prepared for emergencies, and the simple things we can do to build 3-day emergency kits.

We’ll also discuss forming response teams that can assist the neighborhood with things like search and rescue, medical operations, and utility shut-off.

Wallis, if you’re wondering, has a few qualifications to help get this group started. She completed 30 hours of emergency preparedness training through the Community Emergency Response Training (CERT) and a 6-hour “Seattle Neighborhoods Actively Prepare” training on utility shut-off and fire suppression, provided by City of Seattle. She is trained in search and rescue, personal preparedness, disaster medical operations, fire suppression and disaster psychology. She also serves on the Sustainable Capitol Hill planning committee.

With the tragedy in Haiti as backdrop and last winter’s snowy challenges for the community on Capitol Hill, it’s good someone is thinking about disaster planning at the grassroots level. There’s a lot to be done — but small things like getting people to put together an emergency kit can go a long way. In addition to the group getting started, there’s also some free goodies for attendees. Now, time to go check the CHS HQ emergency water supply and make sure our printing press is ready if things get really rough.

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Mike with curls
Mike with curls
14 years ago

Do you really mean a mimeo graph machine, purple ink, turn the handle with your arm and special mask thing to prepare the copy … that is what you have right?

Meeting sounds like an important/good topic. I do have 50 gallons of water stashed and about 6 cases of various canned goods – a start I presume. Oh, and two nifty LED flash lights all fully charged.

Andrew Taylor
Andrew Taylor
14 years ago

Good plans, Mike. Flashlight under the bed (place you spend more time than anywhere else), water in the water tank [strapped to the studs] and you’re way ahead of the crowd.

Mike with curls
Mike with curls
14 years ago

And shoes under the bed – broken glass is a big problem in destruction zones. PUT SOME CONDOMS AND LUBE IN TAKE WITH YU BAG. After all, biology keeps functioning even in chaos.

Meds, and a system to cook if the electricity is down. Maybe charged cell phones … you see – you can be prepared.

14 years ago

So how’d the meeting of the government finks go?

Mike with curls
Mike with curls
14 years ago


The who?

14 years ago

all these fawning government sycophants clamoring to aid the Machinery of the State

Mike with curls
Mike with curls
14 years ago

Organizing is going fine – the so called finks are going to challenge the property before people shit that takes place in crises. You have no food, money or resources, your house is in ruins, chaos is total – yet – you can’t brak a window and carry home some food, shoes or anything else. Looting? Or needed smart survival skills?

The word fink is heavy. I come from a strong labor friendly family, finks are the lowest of low MF scum. I don’t think the term works here.