GayCapHill is reporting that a pre-wake community goodbye is being arranged for those individuals who can’t attend the wake but want to show the wonderful folks at Bailey Coy how much they’ve meant and how dearly they’ll be missed, you can leave a note, card, flowers, or other token of remembrance to say goodbye and show your love to Bailey Coy. It’s happening this Thursday any time before the wake. So, what are you waiting for? Go get a little goodbye card and drop it off at Bailey Coy!
You can RSVP for the event and read more on their Facebook page.
Bailey Coy Books is holding a wake on Thursday, Dec 3rd at 6:00 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online from Brown Paper Tickets and more information is available athttp://baileycoy.com/default.aspx.
For those of us who can’t make it to the wake, how about showing them a little love? Flowers, signs, cards.
On Thursday during the day, what if you left a note at the entrance with the name of the favorite book you’ve purchased or your favorite Bailey Coy memory?
Let’s bring these tokens of appreciation to show Michael Wells and the entire Bailey Coy staff how much we value and will miss them.
And remember to please continue to show the love by supporting your local independent bookseller!
Update by jseattle: Stopped by Bailey Coy this afternoon for a few pictures of the goods up for auction. Here’s the list. Note the macabre black bunting hung in preparation for Thursday’s wake.
I have a confession to make. After 5 years on Capitol Hill, I only bought a few years’ worth of Christmas cards, a children’s book, and a half dozen or so magazines from Bailey Coy. I feel like a jerk because while I didn’t spend a lot of money there, I spent a good deal of time there. I wandered around the place, checked out their staff-recommends, admired their wrapping paper and greeting cards, listened in on conversations between chatty customers and smart staff. I was all take and no give.
I’ll miss the place, and I’ve learned my lesson. Now, where should I start buying my Christmas cards?
But a funeral? Give me a bit of a break – America is killing people every day in two wars.
Might bid on some of the stuff at the auction.
Good bye nice bookstore … that is as emotive as I can get.
on 15th, both Rainbow Natural Pharmacy and the Red Balloon have good (and very different) selections.
Our event is not a funeral. It’s a wake. A wake is a social occasion in which to say goodbye, share stories and memories and get drunk. We will be doing all of that. After nearly three decades we’ve made a lot of good friends and we want to say goodbye. And it’s sad. And we’re left w/ too many bills to pay and our friends have expressed a desire to help. So we’ll do some of that, too. Our wake is meant to be tongue in cheek but we are sincere in our desire to raise a glass w/ friends.
Bailey Coy was open for biz the day I pulled into Capitol Hill. Michael has been at the desk and on the sidewalks every day since.
WE LOVE YOU MICHAEL and your SMART FUNNY STAFF. You kept us in books & cards but you importantly kept THE BROADWAY NEIGHBORHOOD connected & vibrant. Know that you are seen to be an honest, hardworking, funny LEADER who ALWAYS showed up to those of us who live up here.
I urge everybody to COME PARTY ON THURSDAY NIGHT or in the alternative PLEASE WRITE MICHAEL A NOTE…DRAW HIM A PICTURE…drop it by his door on Thursday… SEND THE LOVE. He has taken very very good care of us as a merchant and a friend. LET’S CELEBRATE BAILEY COY & MICHAEL.
Bluebird on Pine!