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Capitol Hill thrifting map: Where to find one-of-a-kind used goods

Want something unique, hip, classic, or functional? On a budget?  Seeking the rush of finding the perfect unique thing at a price you can afford? Enjoy wandering and looking and serendipity? This walking map of thrift stores and sellers of used goods on Capitol Hill  is for you. 

Compiled is a map of (mostly) locally-owned storefronts selling used goods in Capitol Hill. Gifts, housewares, decor, music, electronics, small furniture: whether shopping for yourself or someone else you can make a day of it to treasure hunt these spots, or just simply check out a place or two when you have some time to kill. 

View Capitol Hill Seattle thrift and used goods stores in a larger map

With six spaces offering records, three hosting books, and six providing a  variety, you can use this map as a starting point to checking out the functional, the eclectic, and the creative not-new goods available in the neighborhood.  I’ve added a brief comment to a marker if I know something about the spot.

Excluded for now are clothing-focused stores. I believe these deserve their own fashion-focused map. However for  the desperate fashionistas reading at home, a little help: start with Yelp listings for vintage and used fashion spots on Capitol Hill.

I’ll just say right now my favorite store on this list is The Anne Bonny for their careful selection and frequently changing inventory. A close runner up is Seattle Trading Post because it reminds me of a used goods place (up on Aurora somewhere, I think)  that my mom would infrequently  take us kids. We’d always find something we didn’t realize we needed until we saw it.  This little porcelain dancing girl figurine with a bobble head  is only a dollar, ma!  Pleeeeze?

UPDATE: Here’s a printable list of the stores shown on this map, (It is housed on Google Docs.)

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sarah marie
sarah marie
15 years ago

Love this full map.

15 years ago

It’s just missing the “rotating thrift store” just up the street from The Anne Bonny. The name escapes me at the moment, but it moves around month to month.

15 years ago

Value Village is a for profit resale store. The only time when prices are half way decent is when they have a 50% off sale (next one will likely be in February.)

A much better alternative in the neighborhood is Lifelong Thrift on E Union at 10th Ave. They take what money they make and invest it in their clients’ welfare and don’t take the profits and pump it into an estate in Bellevue.

15 years ago

Intrigued. Know anything more?
Wonder if that is what I saw in the window of Spike Mafford a whle back. There was a collection of small items and hand written sign saying something about the smallest thrift shop. When I went back a few days later it was gone and the window was back to normal.

15 years ago

I love “That’s Atomic” near City Market. The owners are really nice people and their prices are good.

Bob Fuller
Bob Fuller
13 years ago

I have a variety of Limoges and Wedgewood salad plates, some with gold lining, all in excellent condition, that I would like to sell. Are there any buyers here on the Hill? I live near Group Health.