Am I the only one who thinks this blog is getting too bogged down with outside content? I know this has been a crazy week for city wide news, with the election and the cop murder. But looking at the homepage right now it seems like there’s a lot of stories that aren’t Capitol Hill related. Even before this weeks rush of Brenton/ Election news, I thought there was too much Cliff Mass weather and H1N1 news that I really couldn’t care less about, and wasn’t Capitol Hill specific.
It used to be that I’d read every word of every post on this blog, but lately I’ve been skipping a lot of posts because I’ve either already read it somewhere else or it just doesn’t seem relevant to me.
… just my two cents…
The precision of this site is what draws me to it. I do appreciate the GayCapHill cross post but that is because it is about Capitol Hill.
There are cross-city stories that are important. We’re going to cover them with the tools at hand. The balance will always be Capitol Hill focused.
Our our last 25 posts, 21 are original, CHS-only posts. 4 are link posts to other sites.
there is nothing wrong with new content