Capitol Hill isn’t really the place for a manger scene or to light up a big Christmas tree or a holiday star — though most probably wouldn’t mind if you do. Especially if the manger scene is well concepted and creatively rendered.
But it’s definitely a place to decorate your gay bar in holiday splendor. CHS is happy to see C.C. Attle’s lit up again this year. It’s our Capitol Hill Macy’s. Happy holidays are here.
C.C.’s, by the way, got an early gift this summer of an extension of their lease to stay at their location for at least the next year. The site is slated to be the eventual home of this ambitious mixed-use project.
Meanwhile, if you’d like to start getting that special holiday feeling, swing by to check out the lights and RSVP for the Capitol Hill Holiday Hoopla party. It’s free and should be lots of fun.
When the Christmas music starts the season is cemented for me. I relish all the hack songs.
(there is no great point here, just comments)
I always like the CCAttle’s lights. I’m wondering, though, if they are going for the Snoopy doghouse effect?