CHS saw this tweet yesterday:
And wondered: Is Capitol Hill’s Google Maps irritating mislabel also fixed? To refresh your memory, here’s how Google Maps used to display the info for Cal Anderson Park :
As CHS neighbor kayzel wrote at the time, “The map incorrectly calls the park Bobby Morris Reservoir (there has never been such a thing) and indicates a large blue open reservoir which also doesn’t exist (the reservoir was buried in 2003-05).”
She’ll be happy to know that Google — or really, Google’s map info provider — got it half right. The park is now labeled Cal Anderson Park.
But it still shows the open reservoir. At least they got the reservoir’s name right.
they still show vivace at their old location – gosh i miss the old spot
As I recall, you can submit updates via the Google listing. I did so for The Fargonian a while ago. Never checked to see if it helped, though.
Not on Bing maps though. They actually acknowledged that they have Seattle employees that they could ask. (Hey Google, do this.)
Bing just needs to take new photos and get a streetview service.
I’ve submitted 6 detailed corrections to Google and TeleAtlas. Now I give up. It took Google 18 months to “correct” this, and then they dropped Bobby Morris Playfield. And the buried reservoir’s name is Lincoln Reservoir, not Lincoln Park Reservoir. The entire park was originally (1904) called Lincoln Park, but HAS NOT BEEN CALLED THAT SINCE 1922. Scream.
oh jeez, didn’t even notice the ‘park’ part — holy smokes, this is kinda funny
Read more about what this site sez is (and might be!) behind the recent changes with GOOG maps
Hmmm. I just love me some publicly accessible geospatial datasets. But it doesn’t seem to have helped too much in this case.
Apparently our neighborhood’s center is the 1200 block of Mercer. Because I know you were wondering.
Reservoir park,,,