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Checking in on your friendly neighborhood E. Pike hazmat workers

img_8777, originally uploaded by pmocek.

Neighbor Phil sends us a link to his flickr stream of a chemical clean-up process underway on E. Pike. It appears to be a planned work effort — not some kind of emergency contamination — judging by the signs and the workman-like effort from the hazmat-suited employees.

We’ve tried getting in touch with the company working at the site but Pacific Crest Environmental hasn’t returned our three calls left over the past two days. We’ll update as soon as we hear back from them about what’s up.

The site is located between Old School Frozen Yogurt and the new home of Doghouse Leathers. You can see in the old images captures by Google Streetview the old unpaved lot and a bunch of barrels lined up next to an old motor repair shop that used to be at the location.

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linder seattle
linder seattle
15 years ago

Hey Justin, this address has an open DPD permit w/Pacific Crest Environmental as one of the contacts. Looks like it might relate to excavation and clean up on the property (also a demolition permit issued in 2007). Also, one of the other contacts is an environmental consultant w/work in groundwater contamination (Montague Busbee).

15 years ago

Cool. I’ve been digging through state dept of ecology documentation about the location also. I’m assuming it’s not a big deal but would like to answer the questions.

15 years ago

Pacific has referred us to their attorney to answer questions about the work. Stay tuned.

Daddy Jeff
Daddy Jeff
15 years ago

My understanding is that this planned clean-up is part of the process started last year after they demolished the old laundry/dry cleaners that used to occupy that site. I was told that this clean-up should continue for another year or so.

Daddy Jeff
Doghouse Leathers
1312 E. Pike St
Opening November 12th
Sun-Thur Noon-11pm
Fri-Sat Nppn-1am
[email protected]

Bill W.
Bill W.
15 years ago

Correct. This is part of the laundry cleaners that occupied that site for like 50 years. Seems the chemicals used by dry cleaners is highly toxic and seeped into the ground for decades. The building torn down parking lot was put there to cap over the environmental problem until cleanup can begin. Should take quite a while but it has all been planned well in advance.

15 years ago

the site was contaminated many years ago by a drycleaner onsite (back when dry cleaning wasn’t all done at a central location or monitored). there is “perc” in the soil that has to be removed before future development can take place. the current cleanup on site is part of that effort, and is being paid for by the insurance company of the current owners.