Another mystery nightclub is for sale on Capitol Hill. Which one do you think this is?
Established Capitol Hill Nightclub $800,000 2 bars; Special amenities; Great lease; turnkey Gross $1.12M.
Clues indicate it is a currently open, high volume establishment. Let’s start with eliminating contenders: not Neumos (3 bars, right?) not King Cobra (they were only asking $500K earlier this year).
Which “nightclub” with “special amenities” do you think this is? The Garage? The War Room? Chop Suey?
That price is a real stunner, innit? Here’s a brief rundown of other Capitol Hill area businesses currently for sale, all with lower price tags:
Rosebud $295,000; India Express $190,000; and Swoon $65,000. Slightly off-Hill listings include: Quiznos (Madison) $179,000; and Plaza Select Foods (Madison) $60,000.
And now for the bonus round:
There’s a handful of no-name-please businesses for sale who have self-identified as being in the Capitol HIll neighborhood. Add your secret identity guesses and insider knowledge in the comments.
Coffee/Tea House w Beer and Wine $75,000
Well established customers, 2 blocks from Seattle Central.
Cozy Neighborhood Coffee Shop/Cafe $95,000
5 years, loyal customers, local coffee, La Marzocco machine.
Restaurant in Heart of Broadway $179,000
Hardwoods, exposed brick, pendant lighting, efficient kitchen.
Iconic Capitol Hill Cafe $325,000
Prime location, established 20 years, cafe with beer and wine.
Funky Eclectic Capitol Hill Cocktail Lounge $99,000
Seats 60, funky and eclectic decor, open 5pm – 12am/2am 6 days/week
Broker listing is for $139,000.
photo/illustration by Faux Post, from the CHS Seattle Flickr group
Hardly used. $1 MILLION!
Maybe this tweeter knows which club is up 4 sale:
sounds like Julia’s… (although listing claims built in 2006)
South Lake Union?
Isn’t there a cafe on Fairview off the I-5 exit?
Mokas I think. They’ve been around for a while. Maybe rent went up with those new Amazon buildings coming in. I went in there once when I was late to work and needed coffee. I was surprised to see a La Marzocco GB/5. Decent coffee.
you are talking about peoples hopes and dreams, it is not a game
Thanks — agree with you that we should remember these are our friends (Prefer your tone to my cheeky thread starter)
Good point. Thumbs up. I did come in to see if anyone figured out which are for sale though. Just curious or nosy I guess.
Cha Cha/Bimbos
Maybe this write up will scare up some interested buyers, yes? I’d like to see any and all of these hill businesses sell and stay open rather than close up.
Re: cozy neighborhood – I suspect not in SLU, since the ad says Capitol Hill. SLU would be a bit of a stretch.
Re: exposed brick – Julia’s? it’s possible. I think the “year built” in these ads can be in reference to the interior and infrastructure (wiring, etc) only, but I’m not entirely sure about that.
The PbElemental tweet was suggesting the space next to Po’ Dog on Union rather than an existing business. That’s an interesting spot, but heck it would require a full build out to get it off the ground and open.
The grocery store looks like a good deal, but I don’t think I’m cut out for that line of work.
The Wa Liquor Control board posts new applications to the website daily, here’s one from the 6th:
Current Business Name: KING COBRA
Business Location: 916 E PIKE ST, SEATTLE, WA 98122-3817
Current Applicant(s): KINKORA PIKE ST LLC
Liquor License Type: SPIRITS/BR/WN REST LOUNGE –
Application Type: ASSUMPTION
Neighbours is my guess. Has two different different clubs ( neighbours an club rain down below ). Attendance has been down recently and it is the best likely in my opinion
neighbours has 5 bars (i think) if you count underground.
My guess would be Neighbours. That and Neumos are the only clubs I can think of that would support such a hefty asking price.
Maybe it’s the Cuff? Although the Cuff has 3 bars currently, but due to the apartment building going in next door, I hear they’re losing their outdoor patio due to noise ordinances. That means it would take it down to just the two indoor bars! Voila! It’s the Cuff!
since moving here almost 3 yrs ago I’ve constantly heard rumors of it closing
i noticed in the broadway restaurant ad on craigslist the contact was conrad topacio who seems to be involved in several prominent business sales in the past.. quick google comes back with an sec violation.. same guy?
If I had to guess (it has two bars, has been open for 9ish years, and it is right next to the Po Dog space that someone says ‘would require development), I would guess that it’s the space where the Mercury is now.
also: exposed brick.
That would be my guess as well.
The “exposed brick” was for a different listing, which was a restaurant.