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CHS 2009 election endorsement process

Holding the Flag
Originally uploaded by JennaU

CHS is powered by you. Our goal is to provide a core of news and information gathering that the community can build on, mash up and grow into something bigger than any single entity could create on its own. We’re a Capitol Hill network. Happy to have you part of the fun.

In that spirit, next week we’re going to try something new. As the ballots for the 2009 fall election go out in the mail, CHS will take a position on all the big city, county and statewide races — but, of course, we’re not going to do it in the old-school, we-know-better-than-you fashion.

We’re going to do it with the Internet!

Next week, CHS will run a series of online polls that allow you, the CHS community, to drive the CHS endorsement process. To avoid turning this into a mercenary, Web traffic and popularity contest, we’ll require endorsement voters to be registered CHS users. If you don’t have an account, get yours here.

The goal in all of this is to provide a special set of inputs for the equations each of us will be formulating as we decide which candidates deserve our votes. This input — like so many others — will have its flaws. But it will also have a little community magic in it.

To bone up, here’s the Seattle voter guide info and more from King County Elections. You can also get to know the mayoral candidates a little more intimately at Saturday’s Capitol Hill Community Council forum.

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15 years ago

This seems like an appropriate place to track other endorsements, no? Following are a few I find worth reviewing, I’d love to learn of more.

Cascade Bicycle Club:
Sierra Club:
The Stranger:

Mike with curls
Mike with curls
15 years ago

– –
Over twenty five years – rating candidates about LGBT issues – AND – the most difficult and intensive interview in town. True. Even hated by many Democrats, a panel of folks for each candidate and many questions on many topics.

The real deal when it comes to rating on LGBT issues.

Mike with curls
Mike with curls
15 years ago

Transit Blog likes Conlin – but – no shit – he actively worked to kill the Monorail … memory loss somewhere?

15 years ago

No one cares about all that. As the official Most Popular Commenter, here are my endorsements:

1033 – YES … with a defunded state, municipalities will be expected to pick-up the slack. That means we can finally curb the complete garbage infestation of parks that are eliminating realistic living opportunities in Capitol Hill by destroying the already short supply of parking spaces.

71 – YES … with extreme reticence for reasons previously stated elsewhere.

KC Charter Amendment 1 – No

KC Charter Amendment 2 – No

KC Charter Amendment 3 – Yes

KC Charter Amendment 4 – Yes

KC Executive – Susan Hutchison … As much as I dislike her I dislike Dow Constantine even more. His pathetic, whining, pandering style and mode of speech in every debate to-date is aggravating in the supreme. He obviously has a serious superiority complex. The only compassionate thing to do is deliver him a big loss so the healing can begin. I would love to see the smirk wiped off his face.

KC Assessor – Lloyd Hara … a properly non-partisan partisan who was the only voice of reason during the darkest days of the Port of Seattle. Bob Rosenberg – how does a “lowly paid public servant” own no less than 5 properties in King County and pitch-in $100K of his own money to a campaign for a small-time county office? HUH?

Port of Seattle – David Doud and Tom Albro … it will give the collection of aging, land-grant college educated hacks at The Stranger a hernia. Fucking proletarian street trash; a bunch of gross, decrepit 40-something bears hobbling around trying to act like they’re sophomore radicals. Talk about a seriously creepy case of Peter Pan Syndrome – look at the staff of the fucking Stranger.

Mayor – Mike McGinn … Queen Christine says Mallahan will do to Seattle what she did to Washington – the city already has record-high unemployment and a gigantic budget deficit, so what does this mean? Is there a ribbon that hasn’t been cut somewhere?

Attorney – Tom Carr … a suffocating iron heel is needed to balance the velvet gloves of McGinn; if Carr loses I’ll be hosting a seance to bring back Mark Sidran to haunt the shit out of Mike McGinn. (yes, I know he’s, biologically, living)

Council – Ginsberg, Bloom, Licata and O’Brien … everyone who has the slightest sense of pause about a tunnel + Licata

Proposition 1 – No … the expenditures plan is so diluted and convoluted it will have no real impact on affordable housing. The compassionate vote is a no vote so a new, and competent, mayoral administration has the opportunity to present a real housing levy next year. A yes vote is a greedy and selfish vote; it makes the voter feel good about himself while locking this city’s poor into 7 years of Nickelsian incompetence.

School Board 5 – Kay Smith-Bloom

School Board 7 – Abstain … two lunatics who smell like delegates to the Green Party national convention; Jesus, have pride in your appearance and hygiene, ladies

15 years ago

Wilson Chin is a lady? My, she *does* need to work on her appearance, then:

15 years ago

Feminizing a man is, by some people, considered an insult.

Having to explain insults to the insulted is, by some people, considered an even graver insult.

Mike with curls
Mike with curls
15 years ago

Honey, you have killed the thread. Congrats, and sorry there are no chicks running for your award.

You and Tim Eyman should start a last minute attempt to reverse the 80 per cent vote against his trash on Capitol Hill. You do remember, such acumen, it was he who attempted to repeal by initiative the Anderson-Murray LGBT civil rights bill, which passed after 30 years of effort? Remember, in 2006? Getting in bed with Eyamn on the Hill makes you almost one of a kind.

15 years ago

Sweetie, I vote for issues, not personalities. It’s not a beauty contest. However, I certainly respect your right to treat it as one*, if you so choose, and to shit in your own soup to see-through various grudges and bizarre “blood feuds” more common in the year 1009 than 2009. Do your knuckles hurt dragging across the pavement like that?

(* – That all worked out real well a year ago when The Hill helped sweep pro-warrantless wiretaps, pro-war, pro-bank bailouts Obama into office, BTW.)


Mike with curls
Mike with curls
15 years ago

I swear, by my mothers copious love, that when I use the nick name Sweetie, I spell it Sweety.

Just to be straight up.

15 years ago

If single issue is your voting strategy, here’s the SNMA endorsements. There’s a pay-what-you-can fundraiser tonight (Wednesday) at Moe Bar, 5 – 8pm.

Richard Conlin
Pete Holmes
Nick Licata
Mike O’Brien
Sally Bagshaw
Yes on Ref. 71