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What happened to the Satellite — and what’s next for 1118 E. Pike

CHS had little information last week when we first reported that the Satellite Lounge had been evicted . Turns out, who we thought was the owner, Sylvia Kane, actually owns 1110 E. Pike, not 1118 where Satellite called home — the King County Records for the 1118 address were grouped under Kane’s name. Kane had been on vacation for the last week or so, so the eviction was news to her when CHS reached her this week. Kane helped CHS contact the owner of 1118 E. Pike, Steven Holman of Holman Real Estate.

Eviction notice posted on the Satellite’s front door

According to Holman, the Satellite was not paying rent, and his company had asked them to leave. The Satellite’s owner, The Real Comet Inc., declared bankruptcy, Holman said, which allowed the lounge to stay in the building until the court finally had the business evicted last Monday.

Harold Burton, listed as the ‘registered agent’ for The Real Comet in state records, could not be reached for comment. Kane told CHS she had heard that Burton had shown interest in another area building, but hadn’t spoken to him for awhile.

As for the future of the Satellite space, Holman said he hopes to find a tenant that will incorporate the unused 5,000 sqft basement in a similar food and drink establishment. While it needs a safety and code update, Holman said the basement could serve as a dance floor, small theater, or music performance space. Craig and Laura Baker of Issaquah jazz club Bake’s Place have looked at the space, Holman said, but it is still on the market. With prices in the neighborhood varying from around $25/sqft for street level to $15/sqft for below-ground space, the complete Satellite package including the basement could run somewhere around $12,000/month.

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15 years ago

We need a new Manray, plzkthx.

15 years ago

Capitol Hill could so use a good, informal jazz club. Jazz Alley is nice, if you’ve got money. But I would love a place to grab some tea and listen to some UW musicians rock it for a few hours.

Michael Strangeways
Michael Strangeways
15 years ago

local landlady Anne whatsherface who lives across the street (former LGBT Center) would have a fit if a music venue opened so close to her…she used to have fits when the Satellite had live music.

15 years ago

Ah, but remember, there’s a basement – a perfect jazz hideaway. But with an estimated $12,000/mo lease, could be hard to make it viable at the inexpensive end of the spectrum.

15 years ago

I’d be up for a great basement jazz club on the Hill. Think of “The Village Vanguard” in NYC…though without the big names…and more affordable. That’s not a big space though either, but is perfect for an intimate show:

15 years ago

A new bar is coming soon . . . building on the past successes of gay bars that are gone.

Dave H.
Dave H.
15 years ago

They have a basement? Interesting.

15 years ago

Manray does state on their old Myspace page that they will be coming back; So maybe it’s finally going to happen??

15 years ago

A jazz club would be amazing but it would need to start booking national acts to support that kind of rent because the demographic that is into listening to jazz is very tight with money and time due to the fact that they are grownups with kids, mortgages and jobs. A comedy/jazz club would be great!