There’s a new neighbor moving to the Odd Fellows building. And they’ve got kids.
Top shelf children’s clothing retailer Flora and Henri are moving into the empty space on the ground floor of Odd Fellows at the corner of Pine and 10th. Sign says they plan to open in October. The sign also notes the retailer is ‘not just for kids anymore.’
This is not the first visit to Capitol Hill for Flora and Henri. They’ve kept a store in the Loveless building on Roy after closing their downtown store in February. There is also a Flora and Henri in New York City’s Upper East Side.
This is the kind of business that made me leave Wallingford for Capitol Hill…
Maybe you should move back then.
In case I was unclear, I meant: I moved from Wallingford to the Hill to get *away* from upscale baby clothing stores and the like, not that that I was unhappy that there weren’t enough obscenely overpriced stores of this ilk in that neighborhood.
this was always the creepiest place to walk past at night downtown; glad to hear it’s back to haunt my every visit to molly moons
Wonderful, sounds like a magnet for cars and people who will actively ignore the surrounding neighborhood.
I’m not sure why there is disgust with this Capitol Hill business. There offices are over on Roy Street above Joe Bar.
Be nice neighbors. These people aren’t coming to the neighborhood they are already a part of the neighborhood.
Baby clothes store may as well be a parking lot. It will be static space to me.
Well, I personally won’t be needing their goods, but there ARE people with babies on the Hill such as our upstairs neighbors. At least it’s not another nail salon (not that there is anything wrong with nail salons.) My only thought is if they have a store on Roy already–wouldn’t they be competing with themselves?