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Georgetown interior design shop moving to 12th Ave: Cap Hill biz immigration trend?

Originally uploaded by yugenro

12th Ave didn’t get a cheese shop but it is getting a healthy dollop of style. Tonight via Twitter, Leah Steen, the owner of Revival Home and Garden“a one-stop interior design and home decor boutique” — announced she is moving her business to Capitol Hill:

It’s official: Revival Home & Garden is moving to Capitol Hill! Look for us on 12th, b/w Pike and Pine, as of October 1.

Capitol Hill’s gain is Georgetown’s loss. Revival was part of Georgetown’s small but mostly hip, mostly successful retail and style scene. Steen has been contemplating a move from Georgetown for months:

The simple truth is that parts of the business are working very well (design services, custom and online orders, and vintage sales) and other parts (sales off the floor) aren’t. By trying to keep all of the functions going, we are getting killed by our overhead. The biggest problems: our vast amount of floor space to fill, and our location. By moving to a smaller space in an area with more retail neighbors, we aim to mitigate these factors. So, though it may seem to be sad news, truly it is the best thing for the business, to help ensure we stick around for the long haul.

It might be too early to be trendspotting but there has been a mini-burst of Hill business immigration by existing concerns moving shops from other neighborhoods to ours. Others who have made or are planning the move include plant store Envy which recently moved from the Central District to the Pearl Building at 15th and Madison and Sitka and Spruce which will move to the overhauled Melrose Building this fall. Heck, throw Gert’s BBQ in the trend, too. Prior to that, the CHS memory banks fail to come up with a lot of recent examples of existing businesses that moved to the Hill instead of from it.

Another from that trend pile might be ex-Portland operation Hermitage. It along with Revival and Pike/Pine’s design shops like Area 51, The Square Room, Whimsy and Retrofit Home on 12th give you a few decorating options beyond Value Village and Urban Outfitters (where CHS HQ bought its coffee table). And if you need some spackle or nails, there’s always Pacific Hardware or Shop Rite.

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Rebecca sells Homes
Rebecca sells Homes
15 years ago

Revival is a great store with a nice mix of transitional meets modern pieces. It’s a loss for Georgetown, but I think Revival will be a perfect fit for Capitol Hill! Can’t wait to see their new location!

15 years ago

Glad to see that your search is finally over – can’t wait to see you in the new space!

The space next to us (Envy) in the Pearl may be opening as a Cross Fit gym, so that’s another biz that would be moving to this part of Capitol Hill but I’m not sure where they are located now. And speaking of Pacific Hardware (which has been awesome for us!), has anyone else heard that an Ace Hardware is taking space in the old La Panzanella bakery on 14th?

Under The Clouds
Under The Clouds
15 years ago

I love all the new businesses opening up in this area. I just moved into a condo at Braeburn, and never had the desire to consider another neighborhood during my search.

15 years ago

Thanks for the great mention. I am so excited to be relocating to Capitol Hill — I think the energy of the area, paired with all of the wonderful existing businesses — will be great for us and our customers. We are very excited to become part of the neighborhood!

15 years ago

Leah – as you prepare to move please contact us to talk about 12th ave business district…[email protected]. and check out the blog, where we will surely mention your arrival!