If, like me, you probably won’t be invited to party on the rooftops above the Capitol Hill Block Party next weekend, you can still acquire that VIP sense of entitlement to enjoy the music fest without paying. But there are some changes this year you should know about. Stranger’s Lineout blog has posted a map of the new Block Party layout:
The most significant change: the Main Stage has been moved from the central intersection of 10th & Pike (where it could create a huge bottleneck) down to Broadway & Pike, which should provide plenty of space for the crowd without blocking foot traffic to and from other stages, and the Broadway entrance has been moved around the corner to Pine St.
As a semi-pro freeloader, I’ve analyzed the changes and created a CHS map of zones that might still afford you access to both the sounds and some partially obstructed sights of the weekend’s activities. I’ve also marked an area of loss. With the move of the main stage farther down Pike to the edge of Broadway, the freeloading experience on upper Pike will likely be negatively impacted. With all change comes opportunity, however. Surely new zones of freeloading goodness will emerge as the event plays out.
you’re the blog king of capitol hill, if you can’t get me an rooftop invite who can?
Respect trails traffic
Yeah, frankly the only way i’d tolerate the block party this year with the swarms of children that seem to clog our streets is if i could be nice and comfortable on one of the rooftops.