I only know of two bars on the hill with air conditioning. There must be more, yes? We can’t all fit into these twothree as the temp flirts with 100 degrees this week.
- Sun Liquor at 607 Summit Ave E
- The Satellite at 1118 E Pike St
- Central Cinema at 1411 21st Avenue (editor’s note! and CHS sponsor! and counts as a bar, I say! but also may open the comment gates to restaurants! not as interesting as bars!)
Where do you go to cool off and have a cold one?
More from the editor per this old thread:
- The Chapel
- Bill’s off Broadway
- Six Arms
- Charlie’s on Broadway
Helping you chill since 2006
They just sent out an email today including news of their new A/C. I guess that sorta counts for both bars and restaurants.
Has air conditioning.
Purr is very cool, either great vents or some version of AC
Both times I walked past Bleu this weekend, there were at least 4 green signs touting their A/C. Haven’t tried it yet though.
Bleu Bistro, Vivace, probably Dilettante
I just left a few minutes ago. I wish I could stay forever.
has A/C
is also cooled.
Where was it taken?
That’s the current location of Cupcake Royale circa ’44
The photo is of 1109 of E Pine in the 1940’s. Seattle Municipal Archives thoughtfully dropped it in the CHS Flickr pool. Click the pic for more info and a link to a current picture of the same spot.
Yeah, what jseattle said. :)
Forget AC, we’ve got a heat pump, and it’s one of the most efficient units on the planet. These units actually get an energy efficiency tax credit under Obama’s new tax plan, though the credit doesn’t get extended to businesses. Bummer. We’re not a bar, but come on in, cool off, and find some chilled wine to take home!
air conditioned salvation.
The Online Coffee on 14th and Pine I am pretty sure has A/C, but isn’t full bar.
Are any of these spots dog friendly? I would hate to leave my dog in my stifling apartment while I go out and cool off.
was wondering the same thing. it’s pretty hot in here already and i need to find a cool place, but with a dog.
I’m 94% that Sun liquor allows dogs.
Does anyone know if Anchovies and Olives has AC? I’ve been calling but no one is answering.
Does anyone know?
Yes per http://questionland.thestranger.com/questions/3814-does-the-
I’m 99% sure that Summit public house allows dogs, but I’m about 75% sure they’re not air-conditioned. Will find out for sure after work tonight, since there’s no way I’m going home when I get the dog from daycare.
Clever Dunne’s has a bit of air conditioning, although it’s not as cool as I’d like. Quinn’s also has air conditioning.
see also: Slog: “Got A/C?”, July 30, 2009
I don’t know if this is a silly question or not; I don’t really know if AC units typically belong to the building/owner or the tenant. Anyone?
Whoops, I asked too soon– they just posted on their Facebook page that they do, indeed, have AC.
…on 15th has a/c and now has a bar!
The Lookout has AC, too.
We have pretty awesome A/C which we cranked during last year’s build during the heat wave.
Ridiculously fast Internet too.
The Fluff err the Cuff on 13th Ave has A/C. Also has free WiFi and Carey OKey on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The Cuff: 1533 – 13th Ave.
Probably matters if they enforce the laws that are on the books. I believe unless it’s an assist dog for a person with a disability you’re not supposed to bring dogs into any establishment that sells food (though I see dogs all the time in Queen’s Food Company at Harvard Market.