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Starbucks on 15th Will Reopen (hereupon the Zombie Starbucks)

Earlier this week, I reported on the “closing” of the 15th avenue Starbucks.  As Andrew Taylor and linder seattle noted in the comments, the store will still be managed by Starbucks when it reopens. Starbucks PR confirmed this (in their own corporate speak). When asked about the status of the 15th Avenue store, Anna Kim-Williams, Corporate Communications Manager at Starbucks, responded:  “The store is currently being renovated and will not be open during the renovation. We do plan to reopen the coffeehouse in late July so that we can maintain our deep connection with the local community.”

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Uncle Vinny
Uncle Vinny
15 years ago

A “deep” connection. Starbucks has a 12-ounce connection to my local community! Deeper than a slice of blueberry hazelnut bread! Deeper than personal-sized pesto & sausage pizzette! Deeper than a tip jar full of quarters spilled out on the faux-Umbrian quartzite countertop at closing time!

Allow me to return to my sacred origins, Starbucks! Let me commune once more with my kin… please don’t keep your doors closed any longer than absolutely necessary.

15 years ago

There is a city application for a liquor license posted on the wood barrier along the sidewalk. Any clue what this is about? Do other Starbucks serve beer and wine? Also, the liquor license is filed under a different company’s name. Starbuck’s webpage says they don’t franchise, so why is a second company involved?

15 years ago

Starbucks on 15th will be reopening, but they are refusing to bring back the original crew that worked in the store. Instead of transferring everyone to another store until they finish the remodel, they told the employees that THEY had to find another store who would take them or they would be relocated to another district. NO compensation would be given. The kids who worked in that store were all neighborhood people who lived within a 5 block radius and didn’t have a car.

I’m livid that sbux says that they are trying to maintain a connection to the community when really they are letting down their employees who are a part of that very community. Shame on them.

Also, Olivia they do not franchise but they do have other companies who they license out the name to: Magic Johnson’s company, Barnes and Noble stores, any sbux that is in an airport is a license concept store and also most sbux in Vegas.

15 years ago

Rumor has it around the neighborhood is that the majority of the employees at this store were bitchy, impolite, and all around self-righteous. I, for one, am glad that such people will be not welcomed back at this store. I’m sure Starbucks got plenty of comment cards regarding this behavior.

Johnny on the spot
Johnny on the spot
15 years ago

I’ve heard some exciting ideas that will make this a really exciting store. I’ve been going to this store for as long as I’ve lived in the neighborhood, 6 years now and I thought the people were a quirky mix. None were bitchy. One was abrasive. Some had a really cool edge and wit. One lady calls me honey and it was indearing. Some of the baristas just didn’t make eye contact or say much from behind the bar.

I’m glad I always had a quirky time walking in there for my morning brew but I’m curious about what they’ve now got in store.

BTW check out Vivace on Broadway! They know how to do things right and I hope this new store has gotten some good pointers from the Vivace guys.

15 years ago


While I wouldn’t call them bitchy, or at least I had not had that experience, they certainly don’t live the Starbucks value of uplifting the lives of their customers,when I’ve been in there in the late afternoons. I can honestly say I’ve had better service at a McDonalds than I have had at that Starbucks.