Today’s the big day. We’ll update this post and add photos, etc. as things happen. Hope to see you out hunting for bargains or running your sale. I’ll be at the community space in the lot at Pine/Belmont on and off through the day — stop by and say hi.
Thanks everybody for being part of a great day on Capitol Hill. Lots of questions about when we’ll do this again. Next year, for sure. But we’ll also see if we can’t work together to make something happen in the space again this summer. Thanks again to Unpaving Paradise, the People’s Parking Lot, Sustainable Capitol Hill and the Howell Collective for being part of the sale. Also much thanks to the Northwest Center and Panache for their awesome tent and umbrellas for the g-sale HQ. Thanks again to Murray Franklin for being incredible hosts and letting us put the lot to use. If you’d like to help support the Cap Hill Garage Sale Day event, we still need some help covering the cost of the $500 insurance policy we needed to utilize the lot. We raised $137.50 at the sale today in donations. Please consider throwing a little more in the bucket:
(link goes to the general CHS Paypal account. Please add a note designating your support for the Capitol Hill Garage Sale Day)
View Capitol Hill Garage Sale 2009 in a larger map
Nice summary – I haven’t left the house yet today. Too bad the vegan tacos are gone!
Great event, great turnout. Garage/porch/parking strip sales everywhere we wandered on Capitol Hill today.
Arranging the perfect not-too-hot sunny weather was a nice touch. Thanks.
Same time next year? Could we do without the grass pollen next time?
Thanks Andrew. Piles of gratitude goes to everybody who had a sale around the Hill and at the community space and the shoppers, bargain hunters and neighborhood wanderers who came out to support the effort. People were such excellent neighbors — in the community space, not a single item was left behind for somebody else to deal with, all the trash was picked up and we left the empty lot better than when we found it. Good day.
That was so much fun. I met so many cool people, ate a delicious taco, and got to listen to Hong’s wonderful tunes all morning! I really encourage everyone to check out the People’s Parking Lot and Cap. Hill Community Council, so we can get this kind of stuff going on all season! Thanks Justin for all your work starting off this Cascadian Summer perfectly :)