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What’s in your Valpak?

If there is a geographic divide on Capitol Hill, the folks at Valpak are trying to exploit it.  I’ve been getting very different coupons ever since I moved over the top of the hill to 19th / Republican.  Back when I lived near Broadway it was all pizza and other random little stores.  Now I get coupons for The Maid Brigade, 1-800 Maids and various eco-friendly home improvements like a “green” lawn mowing  service.  They have clearly over estimated my status and spending power!  Luckily there are still a few pizza discounts and the much anticipated  Mirch Masala coupon.  So, how well targeted is your geographic marketing? 

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15 years ago

I’ve taken the same path towards 19th as you and don’t even bother opening my valpack at this point…all maid service, blind cleaning and other super random things. maybe some gym coupons too. but I’m pretty hard to market to- at this point a Madison Market coupon might be the only thing that could get me motivated enough to open the tightly sealed val-pack envelope.

Uncle Vinny
15 years ago

Thankfully, I canceled my ValPak a few months ago, and hadn’t even noticed the absence until reading your post. I still haven’t gotten the Seattle Times people to stop putting their annoying flyer in my mailbox, but someday they’ll get the hint.

Still, it’s an interesting topic for discussion.

final answer
final answer
15 years ago

Last year we received the best Valpak coupon of all — 2 for 1 Mariner tickets (for a few very select games). Hopefully the Valpak people didn’t assume we’d rather watch the games on our (non-existent) HD TVs instead. (Was there a TV coupon?!)

15 years ago

How did you do that? is it printed on the envelope somewhere? I should check next time we get one.

We’re over on 19th, and yes… indian restaurants, pizza, gutter cleaning, cabinetry installation and designer checks. Nothing we need/want.

15 years ago

Here here! What’s the mechanism for banishing that blight from my mailbox? It currently goes unopened from my mailbox to the recycling bin.

Deanna Willsey
Deanna Willsey
15 years ago

I work at Valpak. You’re right, the content of envelopes is different based on your neighborhood and the local buisnesses in that area that advertise to your location. You may want to visit to search for your favorite pizza place or other favorite local business that may not be advertising in your specific neighborhood.

Also, for some of the folks that mention they prefer not to get Valpak in their mailboxes, here’s a link to our site when your can request to be taken off the mailing list.

While most people welcome Valpak into their homes, we respect everyone’s mail preferences. Hope this info was helpful. (BTW – because of long production lead times it may take 2 or 3 months for the mailings to stop after the request sent.)