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Prepare to pay extra for waterfront tunnel, talk to city council candidates tonight

The State House of Representatives’ approval of the plan to replace the Viaduct with an underground tunnel wasn’t a shocker. But, as Publicola points out, the amendment that calls for Seattle residents to foot the bill for any cost overruns for the state project is unprecedented. Our district 43 reps were split on the vote with Jamie Pedersen voting for and Frank Chopp, against.

Consider the topic an ice breaker at tonight’s Washington Bus event at Moe Bar. They’re promising every single 2009 candidate for City Council — we count 15 of them as of this post. You can also chat them up on transit oriented development on Broadway, the Pike/Pine preservation plan, and the First/Capitol Hill streetcar while you’re at it.



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15 years ago

Are you really that surprised that Seattle will have to foot some of the bill? I don’t understand the outrage. It was the city of Seattle that wanted to turn the viaduct into a massively expensive bored tunnel, not the state. If the city of Everett wanted highway 99 to run underground into their town, the state would laugh and tell them to come up with the cash.

Frankly Seattle should be lucky the state is paying so much of the bill, considering the huge budget shortfall forcing park closures, tuition hikes, and other fun things. I see where their priorities are…