Coverage of Sound Transit’s demolition of the Broadway blocks between John and Denny risks tipping the balance too far toward lamenting the past and away from celebrating the light rail future. So be it. Taking that risk got CHS Boing Boinged back in March. And watching large machines tear down walls and scoop away debris can be mesmerizing. Our coverage continues. We’ll probably write about it until the last brick gets trucked away. Then the digging starts. Boy will we cover the digging. But, first, we must finish the teardown.
We found out today that the old Vivace building near the northwest corner of Cal Anderson Park had been scheduled for demolition this week but is getting a reprieve for a few days. Looks like Monday is the day, now. Goodbye old Vivace building.
In the meantime, we ran into a photographer in Cal Anderson taking pictures of the Vivace building today. Here’s his archive of shots from the start of demolition back in March. Figure we’ll see him out there Monday, too.
can you verify how much Sound Transit is really recycling, v. their promise as posted on banners around the demo sites?
It will be a sad day for me when tear down the vivace building. It’s one of the few really nice buildings facing the park. Wish they could have taken the ugly funeral home instead!