Artist Ellen Forney is leading a charge to re-create Capitol Hill’s art walk and needs volunteers to make it happen, she says. Here’s the Facebook invite for the March 31st kick-off planning event:
Capitol Hill Art Walk is going to be re-launched as Blitz! in June, with more support from the community and a widened scope and area. The plan is taking shape, and it’s time to get busy!
We need a team of key volunteers, initially, to help get new businesses on board and to help collect information from participating businesses for each art walk. Volunteering will involve stopping by new businesses that currently hang art or host performances but that do not participate, telling them what benefits are involved in participating and see if they are interested in signing up.
At this meeting, we will go over the general plans that’s taking shape for our launch in June, and divide up the tasks at hand among the volunteers.
This is an important opportunity to help shape the new arts movement in Capitol Hill. Hope you can join us!!
A re-start is much needed. I was just bitching about Cap Hill’s current art walk the other day.