We can get always our regular fix of Capitol Hill-related poetry from Hillku (love you, ‘ku!) but if you want a change in meter, Hill Poems has you covered. Hill Poems is a collection of poetry about or related to Capitol Hill. A free reading and release party will be held at the Richard Hugo House on Thursday, April 2nd at 7 p.m.
The Hill Poems collection features work by local poets, including Chris Dusterhoff, Erin Foran, Amanda S. Halm, Heidi Heimarck, Brian McGuigan, Michael Ricciardi, Alexandra Rossetter, Mercedes Sanchez and Monica Schley.
I have a visceral reaction to open mic poetry readings the same as I do spiders: that is, I shriek, run from the building, leave the creature for someone else to deal with. (An unreasonable phobia, I know. What can I say?) However Hill Poems is a published collection, which hopefully means — despite the ease of publish-on-demand these days (see Lulu) — the quality of the work could be above the scenery-chewing readings of an open mic.
Besides, it is about a favorite subject (our hill) and did I mention it is free? Phobia, I hardly knew ya.
For more information about Hill Poems, please contact. [email protected]
Image: by Liquidnight, from the CHS Flickr pool.