as i was reading through the comments on the CHS playlist and “music to walk to on capitol hill” threads, i realized that people have good taste in music here!
i propose we have a capitol hill mix CD trade (or mix tape trade, if you’re that old school). here is how it will work:
comment here if you would like to receive a mix CD made by one of your fellow hill neighbors, in return for a CD you make for them.
make sure you comment before midnight on friday, january 9th.
i will then go through the comments and assign people to each other randomly. does anyone else want to help coordinate this?
i am thinking that sometime in the near future we could arrange to meet up somewhere at one of the copious happy hours the hill has to offer. we can then exchange our mixes and get to know some people we might not usually talk to.
who’s in?
Love the idea that I don’t have to organize this meetup! But I’ll definitely help.
… that I’m not even sure if people want a CD that they can play in a CD player, or one that has a ton of .mp3s. You can fit a LOT of music on a CD if you use .mp3s.
I’d be willing to help out with the organizing, if you need any.
which is about how many i used to be able to get on a tape. but maybe i’m doin’ it wrong. so i think a cd is a fine trading medium.
either way, i’m in.
love the idea. i’d feel more able to face making an old school mix cd than packing a cd with mp3’s, though…
I also have a box of cds which people are welcome to look through. I no longer like to keep cds they only take up room, once they are in my iTunes I prefer to give them away.
Count me in. :)
I make holiday CDs every year for my family and friends, so I’m all set!
im down; sounds good (pardon the pun)
Looking forward to it.