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Capitol Hill getting first bicycle parking

SDOT e-mail just popped into my inbox. Next month, we’re getting bike parking places at two Cap Hill locations. Installation starts next week. Spaces should be ready mid-February. City says goal is to have one or two locations in all Seattle neighborhoods. You can contact [email protected] about getting bike parking in your area.


Taking the place of one to two motor vehicle parking spaces, on-street bike parking will be filled with bicycle racks and surrounded by a raised curb. Bicyclists can enter the parking area from the sidewalk and each car-sized space will accommodate up to eight bikes.

●  Mid block of Broadway E between E Harrison Street and E Republican
Street (by Broadway Market)

●  At the corner of 12th Avenue and E Spring Street (by Stumptown
Coffee Roasters and Café Presse)

●  At the corner of Woodlawn Avenue NE and NE 70th Street (by the
Greenlake Condominium)

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final answer
final answer
16 years ago

Fantastic news. I always found it incredible that there was no bike rack in front of the Broadway Market QFC — this is progress!

Andrew Taylor
Andrew Taylor
16 years ago

Even nicer would be covered parking. A wet bicycle is both unpleasant (soggy saddle) and less safe: wet rims really decrease braking efficiency. A simple roof would be practical and would advertise the location of the bike rack.

16 years ago

My tax dollars *will not* go toward a roof over bike rack. Absolutely ridiculous. We should not have to pay extra just so young people can enjoy their bike hobbies to the fullest extent.

16 years ago

you will have to pay for all of the things that I enjoy…

16 years ago

is my hobby so my taxes dollars shouldn’t go to anything road related. How dumb is your logic Shirley?

16 years ago

Portland may be ahead of us but at least were keeping pace!

Burton Palmer
Burton Palmer
16 years ago

There is an SMC that states that if a business has covered parking for cars that it must have designated covered parking for bicycles. If it can’t do that, it has to give money to the city, which will work magic to create it for them. (SMC 23.49.019) – You want to read E.1 and F.

Shirley you jest..
Shirley you jest..
16 years ago

I recognize sarcasm when I see it. I think that our Shirley is being a bit coy and showing up the haters before they show up here….

13 years ago

Yes! Eventually, we can get 8x the revenue for the city via parking meters. Ingenious!