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Obama inauguration thread

Tune in to this thread Tuesday for CHS coverage of Inauguration Day festivities across Capitol Hill. I’ll be roaming events and uploading pictures and observations on the fly. I’d also love to have this be an open thread for you toshare your hopes and dreams for Barack Obama’s presidency in the comments and, of course, keep us posted on anything you see that everybody else needs to know about, too (remember that you wizard types can use html in the comments if you want to share a picture).

Inauguration Day Events from the CHS Calendar

08:00 AM – 10:30 AM Obama Inauguration Breakfast at The BottleNeck

Complement special Guest Chef Lisa Hogeland’s tasty fare with a spicy Bloody Mary or a bottomless… (more)
08:00 AM – 12:00 PM Inauguration viewing at African American Museum

Watch the Ceremony LIVE 
Northwest African American Museum | Legacy Gallery 
08:00 AM – 08:00 PM A Drink for the President: 12 Hour Happy Hour

… (more)
08:00 AM – 02:00 AM Inauguration at the Canterbury

08:30 AM – 10:00 AM Inauguration viewing at City Hall

08:30 AM – 10:00 AM Inauguration Party – Museum of the Mysteries

8:00a Cafe Presse is having a party yancy claims

An example of a thing everybody might need to know about is this — Inauguration Brazillian-Style Street Party on Capitol Hill in Seattle! — don’t know if it will actually happen but looking forward to it if it does.

My hopes and dreams? I’m looking forward to new dignity and a president who seems to care about earning our place in the world through ideas and ideals, not brute, animal force and fear. It will also be so nice to be able to listen to him speak without the gut-wrenching cringes of the past 8 years. How about you, neighbor?

7:29am: It begins on a cold, foggy morning with coffee. Victrola on 15th rolls
out the tv for the big show.    

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16 years ago

Brad is reporting in from City Hall

16 years ago

all those Bush countdown clocks are finally at zero!

16 years ago

street party and drum jam in honor of the inauguration

Andrew Taylor
Andrew Taylor
16 years ago

Many of my colleagues and I watched the inauguration in the main lecture theater at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
When President Obama mentioned “data and statistics” in his inaugural speech, a loud cheer came up from one member of the audience.
The room erupted when he went to to proclaim: “We will restore science to its rightful place, and wield technology’s wonders to raise health care’s quality and lower its cost. “

16 years ago

Moe bar was fun despite the fact that some a holes had the whole big back booth “reserved” but empty the whole time while my 8 months pregnant friend stood.

Biggest cheer was when Obama gave a shout out to non believers. Biggest laugh was when Rick Warren got a little too excited and sounded like a creepo saying “Malia and SASHA!”

16 years ago

I went ahead and stood in the reserved MVP section while I uploaded a picture or two. I heard a few outgoing types come up, say hi and ask if they could take a seat. The dude said sure but never took down all the RESERVED signs.

Comrade Bunny
Comrade Bunny
16 years ago

Wow – I showed up to the Paramount at 7:15am and the line was around the block. Very enthusiastic crowd.

16 years ago

How about props to the Fish Fry for making those amazing rosemary potatoes?
Sure, we had to wait like 90 minutes for ours, but my were they tasty!

Sorry we missed you both there, j & cheesecake. Maybe next time.

16 years ago

I was in another viewing room at SCCC- room was dead quiet save for some enthusiastic clapping at certain key points. I was the only one to react to the “nonbelievers” mention and cracked up at the MALIA and SASHA Rick Warren intonation…that man is so weird! Anyhow, very fun day, I had worried that there’d be no one watching at SCCC or technical glitches (as there were in their other room) because nothing ever seems to work right at this school but it all turned out okay.

16 years ago

From Secret South on flickr
Celebrating the Inauguration at Cafe Presse

16 years ago

Just heard a story about the watch party there on Morning Edition.

Way to represent the Left Coast, cineastes!