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Neighborhood Nutrition Bar to Open at Madison & 15

Signs went up recently in the windows of the pie slice-shaped corner of The Pearl apartment building on the corner of 15th and Madison.  JSeattle asks on Twitter, “Heard there’s a new biz license posted on the Madison-side retail space in the Pearl. Anybody know what’s joining Anchovies & Olives?”

The answer:  Planning to open in Spring 2009 is Healeo, “your neighborhood nutrition bar.” Ok, so it’s not another pizza joint.  Rather, Healeo will offer “organic ingredients in delicious drinks, foods, vitamins, and supplements.” I’m skeptical vitamins and supplements can ever be delicious, but the color scheme sure is cheery.  


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16 years ago

I can see how this business (with location) could do very well for itself, but if people are cutting back on extras, like lattes, they could potentially be out of business w/in a year.

16 years ago

Organics/raw foods is of the fastest growing industries around, even given the economy as it is, so if the product is good, I’m sure they’ll do great. Looking forward to having something like that in the neighborhood!

Justin Brotman
Justin Brotman
16 years ago

Thanks for starting this blog. I am actually the founder of healeo and came across this on a google search. I have faith in the Capital Hill community to support a small business like this, even in a recession.

We will make fresh hemp milk, coconut milk, and nut milk daily to use in our drinks. We will also have a vegan hemp soft serve ice cream with organic fruit and superfood topping bar. I look forward to meeting you all.

Justin Brotman
Justin Brotman
16 years ago

I also started a facebook page for healeo. Please join if you are interested in learning more, or to contact me directly.

16 years ago

Just joined it. Glad to see something new and unique come to the area. hope you’re open to feedback — you’ll get plenty here :)

16 years ago

New and unique is definitely good for the Hill.

Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette
16 years ago

I am excited about this place and will check it out. Please respect Capitol Hill though by always spelling our neighborhood’s name properly. It is Capitol with an “o” as in a state capitol building as opposed to capital like a letter. thanks!

16 years ago

Hmmm…what is going on here? Sounds too good to be true. I want hemp ice cream now! I cant wait for this place. Holy cow.

15 years ago

Kind hard to go out of business when your daddy owns the building. Yes, that’s right folks, Jeff Brotman of Costco owns the building and it looks like Justin Brotman (his son) is using his daddy’s money to start a business. Tough life kid. I can safely say I am not giving those yuppies or their yuppie business any of my business….I’d rather pop some vitamins.

15 years ago

Whoa. Teach me not to google a new name. Interesting. Will have to follow up with Justin.

And please, Kate, trustafarian entrepreneurs are so very Capitol Hill.

15 years ago

I understand where you are coming from. Although I had no choice in picking my dad I too find the Seattle yuppie culture to be annoying. Hopefully you will give us a chance as I have poured my heart into this business, but if you choose to not be a customer I completely understand. Your frustrations with corporate yuppie types is justified.
As for the rest of the community, I can’t wait to meet everyone!

15 years ago

Sounds like a great concept. I’m always looking for a healthy treat and will check it out next time i’m in town. Good luck getting started!

15 years ago

i, too, am skeptical of putting “food” and “supplements” together.

so, yeah, doesn’t sound like my kind of place. i’m a little old-fashioned that way and this sounds a little new-agey and fluffy.

but best of luck. i’ll pop in to check it out.

justin b. – you’re too diplomatic – have some cajones and stand up for your dad and your business. don’t worry about the restless natives. unless you’re a gay artist opening a not-for-profit selling fair-trade pottery from bolivian co-ops, you really can’t win around here.

(the one exception is if you want to open a combination specialty food, ice-cream, hardware, hobby store).

15 years ago

Wow Ms. Katie. Someone is bitter, bored and uninformed about the Brotmans. Not to mention the fact that you don’t seem to know what a yuppy is.

15 years ago

Wow – bitter is right. Yuppie is a word that means young urban professional – mostly pertains to young lawyers, doctors, and corporate executives. Not quite the term for either entrepreneurs young or old… Hats off to someone willing to do something out there in the tough, cutthroat world of business. And it is not easy – no matter who your father is. At least that is my experience – having a high profile hurts you just as much as it helps. When you have a name like that – don’t think vendors aren’t looking to screw you in any way possible. Lawyers in particular.

15 years ago

I can’t wait for this to open! I live above it and will be there every day – I’m not kidding. Yay coconut milk!

15 years ago

Just had salad, soup, an “old school” chocolate chip cookie, and Heavenly Hemp to polish all that off (I was sharing).

Just want to say, yuppie biz or not, you are doing a good thing here, Justin. Welcome to the neighborhood!


15 years ago

I think it is kind and generous to offer the community a caring and healthy establishment. May we all be fed well and nourished. May we all be vibrant and thrive.