A 64-year-old woman who walked dogs and watched homes while allegedly stealing thousands of dollars worth of art and jewelry from residents in one of the richest neighborhoods in the country made her home in an apartment somewhere on Capitol Hill, Seattle Times says. Allison Chodl is being hit with a variety of theft-related charges for a series of crimes in lovely Medina WA, home to Bill Gates and the richest ZIP code on the Puget Sound with households averaging income of more than $1 million.
Her beauty, reports KOMO, was an asset:
“Because she was an attractive lady, there was absolutely no suspicion that anything was wrong,” said Nancy Robinson of Redmond Cash Brokers.
I tried digging into where Chodl’s apartment is on the Hill but couldn’t find anything in public records like licensing databases, etc.. Sometimes big media can be very liberal with the definition of “Capitol Hill” so it’s possible she isn’t a resident of the area. But if anybody saw the Medina police force loading a big truck full of art and allegedly stolen goods on Tuesday, let me know. By the way, KOMO reports that the Tuesday pick-up was the second truckload they hauled away so if the allegations are true, she was a beautiful AND a prolific thief.
http://www.dps.state.ak.us/Ast/warrants/ASTActiveWarrantsToP (pdf, page3)
Looks like she has felony probation violations in Alaska, too.
that’s the name the pi is using for her, http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/392601_medina18.html?sou, and the one i dug up in my research. it looks like she lived in alaska, based again on my search, which matches with linder. i think i found her address but the site wanted to charge me a fee and even at only $2 i just wasn’t that interested.
if you want to know more here’s the link – http://www.intelius.com/search-summary-out.php?ReportType=1&
I used to live in her building. It’s on the east side of the hill, near St. Joe’s. I spoke with her the day we moved out. Crazy!