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Police scanner: Bike accident, bus getaway, drugs

I’m going to start featuring a summary of Capitol Hill items from the Central District News team’s daily police scanner reports. They’ll be a day late (and a dollar short) but you can keep track of what CDN is following as it happens by going to their site. We have a link to the CDN report at the top of every page — just look for the cheekily-labeled Bad News Map link. Here on CHS, you’ll get a next-day summary of Hill-located criminal activity and reports.

The problem with crime log reporting is it makes the world look like a war zone and it definitely features humans at their worst. After all, you don’t hear a lot of nice things like “Man scratched puppy behind the ears” on the scanner. We have a jokey little solution to that with our CHS Good News Map but it doesn’t really counterbalance the feeling that you need to be armed and locked inside to survive. Hopefully the next-day summary format will give us all time to digest what is happening and not freak out about it too badly. Of course, when big things come down the pipeline, I definitley won’t wait a day.

Central District News East Precinct Scanner Report – Capitol Hill – 10/8/2008Full Report

11:27AM 1600 E. Olive Accident Vehicle vs. bicycle. Medics are on their way

11:53AM Broadway & E. Roy Slow Getaway A possible suspect in a car prowl from the U-District is on board a metro bus, headed southbound on Broadway. Police are trying to stop it and have a chat with him.

1:57PM 100 Bellevue Ave E Suspicious Circumstance Neighbors worried about a man going door to door, saying that he’s selling newspapers, but lacking any ID, clipboard, or other normal sales paraphernalia. Last seen northbound, white male, 30s, blue top, white basketball shorts (if legit, probably not the most effective sales attire)

3:03PM Volunteer Park seattle Narcotics Activity 2 males smoking drugs behind the fancy houses on the west side of Volunteer park

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16 years ago

I can handle the bad news. Let me have it.

16 years ago

I love Scott’s police scanner reports. Some of those entries are just hilarious…and I had no idea there was so much shoplifting going on at the QFC and Goodwill.

linder seattle
linder seattle
16 years ago

1:38PM – 500 Broadway – Assault – Man assaulted by someone he let stay with him. Suspect is a black male, 43, going by the name of a very large US city

Edit: Oops, wrong end of Broadway…