This conversation has me working on a census. Details to come. I’m in a measuring the collective kind of mood. Add in this weekend’s KEXP’s pledge drive promotion countdown of the top 903 albums of all time and this question was inevitable:
What’s your favorite album… ever?
I’m data driven so will not argue with the numbers — my favorite album, it turns out, is Morcheeba’s Charango (unsurprisingly not on Rolling Stone Mag’s list of top 500 albums). You?
neko case’s blacklisted.
#110 on the Rolling Stone list: Radiohead’s The Bends.
“Reconstruction Site” by the Weakerthans
I like the list as it stands now — a 4-way tie between Morcheeba, Neko Case, Radiohead and the Weakerthans. No further comments. Vote is closed.
Islands – Arm’s Way
Pixies: Surfer Rosa.
LOVE charango!
Another good one is Simple Things by Zero 7
Guided by Voices: Bee Thousand
Just noticed that you had The Judds on your list … so now I’m embarrassed to post here.
um, that’s my wife’s, i swear
The Strokes’ Is this it?
Either/Or by Elliott Smith
Ooooh, one very late vote for Either/Or.