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Madison Market Celebrates 30 Years

On November 2nd, 12-5pm at the Richard Hugo House, Madison Market is throwing a party to celebrate 30 years.  More details here.

There has previously been a debate on CHS about the residents favorite grocery store.  Madison Market is mine.  I occasionally cheat and run over to Safeway or QFC, but 9 times out of 10, I shop at MadMar.  What’s your favorite store on the hill?  One of the 3 QFC’s?  Safeway?  Trader Joe’s?  Madison Market?  The Farmer’s Market?  Am I missing one?  Also, how many folks use a CSA?  I just picked up my first box from Full Circle Farm today, thanks to Seadevi‘s recommendation.

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16 years ago

I shop at QFC for last-minute items and late night frozen pizza/wine runs. Trader Joes has most of my staples (cheese and olive oil are totally staples at my house) as well as cheap wine and yummy frozen goods, and Safeway provides me with the rest of what I need in life. I’ll occasionally shop at Madison Market, but it’s expensive and I always give in to the temptations of the expensive cheese… not good for the budget. Mad Market does have a great variety of affordable bulk items, though now that QFC does stone ground polenta in bulk I’m less likely to make the trek up there to Madison.

Veggies at the farmer’s market when possible, but I’ve never used a CSA in my life :(

Mark in Burkina Faso
Mark in Burkina Faso
16 years ago

Broadway QFC. It’s huge, has everything I need, a huge selection of beer and wine, and it’s close (when I’m home instead of Africa).

16 years ago

Not truly just the hill, but Amazon Fresh is a legitimate way to get groceries here anyway.

I vote Trader Joe’s though.

16 years ago

I’d shop there much more often. But alas I’m only about a block from QFC, which makes it hard to resist.

Farmers market is wonderful.

final answer
final answer
16 years ago

We have a very complicated grocery list that is split roughly in thirds between Mad Market (veggies & bulk), TJs (packaged goods & cheese), and QFC (bread & misc). Oh, and the cat shops at Mud Bay.

p.s. The New Day Obama ad is way cool!

16 years ago

Safeway on Mad/23rd for most things, because it’s closest to me and I know I can find anything. MadMar (love the name) and Trader Joes are a little further but I’ll stop in occasionally. I usually feel like I haven’t stocked up when I go to either of those, though.

Trader Joe’s is a must for the dry roasted almonds and Traveler’s tins of dark chocolate. I need to do another run.

16 years ago

I hate to steer this thread away from grocery shopping, which I definitely favor, but could you post a link to that ad, final?

16 years ago

Here’s a link to the post about the ads and a link to the very fine ad, indeed, that cheesecake made:

16 years ago

I’ve been a member of Madison Market since 1992, back when it was the 12th Ave Co-op. I used to work for one of the co-op founders who told stories about the funky origins of the place! They’d get deals on old produce and odds and ends of stuff. Hardly the fancy pants operation it is today.
Even when it was on 12th, back in the 90’s, it was a different shopping experience, I remember encountering a “healthier than thou” attitude from the most of the workers. One of the things I love about today’s MadMar is the people that work there– I have some of the most interesting conversations during checkout!

16 years ago

I *heart* madison market!! It is the best grocery around. I do use a CSA and love it but Madison fills all the other niches.

P.S. Although I am lazy at times and go to QFC I admit

16 years ago

I am lazy, and MadMar caters to my particular type of laziness. I can find everything on my list there, and I don’t have to wade through chemicals to make food/cleaning product choices. They have weeded out all the crap already and I can move quickly. Also, the staff is AMAZING–knowledgeable, efficient, nice to my kids.

I also shop at QFC for last-minute stuff because it’s 1/2 a block away and we love the staff there too. Trader Joe’s has frozen chicken cutlets and other strange items that I get sometimes, but it’s usually not worth the trip. I just tried Amazon Fresh and I’m a little sad that I liked it so much–I could keep adding to the list bit by bit right in my kitchen and didn’t have to go anywhere. And I get veggies delivered from New Roots. I always forget about the Farmer’s Market. I usually spend way too much at Farmer’s Markets and don’t purchase logically so sometimes that wonderful produce rots in my fridge. My goal is to get more organized about shopping at FMs because it is fun and my kids love it and the food is wonderful.

An embarrassment of riches, really.