Good news on the Slog today — a Hill superstar is staying in the ‘hood and hooking up with Capitol Hill Housing. Even though they’ve expanded their focus off-Hill, you should care about Michael Seiwerath’s move to CHHIP as the organization is deeply involved with community-focused development in our area. A CHHIP rep talked about the next big Capitol Hill project for the org at last month’s Capitol Hill Community Council meeting. From the meeting minutes:
There is an ongoing initiative on 12th Ave from John St to Yesler Way, focusing on pedestrian use. Working with Seattle U and juvenile detention facilities to study area. Urging E. Precinct to allow parking lot at 12th and Pine to be developed into affordable housing.
The 12th and Pine lot component could be definitive for what comes next for the area around Velocity’s new home in the old CHAC and Crave space. 12th Ave connects Pike/Pine to the busy area around Seattle University and is filling in with culture and development. Currently, the lot across the street from the old CHAC and a liquor store is used for parking and vehicle maintenance by the SPD’s East Precinct. Hopefully, CHHHIP and, now, Seiwerath will have an opportunity to come up with a plan for the space that is community and arts focused and is part of the good things that are already happening in the area.
I like that barbed wire fence and hope it stays.