Hillku has inspired me to undertake a mapping adventure: Locate all the cobble paved blocks on Capitol Hill
Here’s my first attempt. I’ve made it editable to anyone so feel free to add at will. I know there are some North of St Mark’s that I’ve left out. So far, Miller Park and I-5 shores dominate, with cobbles especially popular between 18th and 19th Aves.
I suppose this could be useful to cyclists trying to avoid them. On the other hand, my euro-cycling obsessed brother rode all over them when he visited and compared to them to a “Tour of Flanders.” Also, do people living on these blocks enjoy the sound or does it get annoying? And as a geographer I wonder why these block and only these blocks?
Drop me a line at jseattle at gmail and i can add the embed (and then figure out how to make this work better!
fixed — lame, but you have to turn the advanced editing off and go to html mode to embed the google map iframe code. For future reference. Or we could just fix it so it works :)
That’s a fun project… and you got the one near Olive Way that I assumed someone would miss. :-)
It sure seems like many of the streets that head east off 23rd starting from south of Aloha are cobblestone. It sucks driving down those streets I say.
I always wanted to try a wiki-type map and it seems to work!
It’s funny how the cobble blocks form sort of a boundary of the hill. Maybe they are remains of defensive walls meant to keep out invaders?
Or maybe they are going to form the outline of an alien invader?
You forgot Post Alley, between 1st Ave and Union Street.
Not Capitol Hill. We’ll take Radio Point but, no, not downtown, please.