Last night my companion and I noticed that the door to Broadway Video was propped open. This was notable (to us) since Broadway Video is notorious (to us) for always being warm inside (to us) and never opening their door. My first reaction was to “blog about this!” but quickly realized that this observation would likely have resonance with absolutely no one else. Then again, neighborhood blogs seem to exist because there is a shared appreciation of quirky observations within a particular place. But there must be a limit, right?
So I’m curious — what have you noticed in the neighborhood that was just too micro for micro-blogging?
when volunteer park cafe turned their tables to the diagonal from square with the room that seemed a little too micro. But I found it notable.
i saw kids at breakfast at linda’s on saturday. is that even legal? i was gonna blog about how annoying it was for my hangover but … nah.
nothing unusual is too small. the barometer might be, if it occurs to you it might be worth writing about, it probably is. I saw a McCain bumper sticker in the West Seattle PCC lot yesterday midday and almost wrote about that but a bunch of more serious (albeit boring) stuff swept away the impulse.
Just kidding final. Cat pictures are nice (for me to poop on.)
Besides that, the spectrum is wide. I’d so much rather read about the random and miscellaneous than hall monitor whining and complaining (I never do that.)
Give me minutiae.
I post the cat pics because: a) I am obsessed with cats, and b) it really pisses off City.
I, too, was going to post about a McCain bumper sticker! My apartment has become a college dorm this summer and the kiddo’s well-heeled parents with their large SUVs and bumper stickers have been helping them move in.
I would have liked to hear about the tables turning at Volunteer Park Cafe, personally ;) If something grabs your attention, it probably will grab someone else’s too.
When riding the 49, I was sitting in the window seat next to this 20-something woman, who refused to get out of her seat when I said, ‘this is my stop’, at Republican. Instead she leaned to the side, creating about five inches of clearance for me and my bag. Then, she apologizes as I almost trip trying to get by her. Yeah… so… That’s possibly too micro for a neighborhood blog.
Jalisco uses an old vending machine (perhaps for cigarettes) as a divider between their kitchen and dining area.
I show people the scar I have from knee surgery and politely demand that they give me the full amount of space in order to exit the seat. It works every time.
Extend the metro free bus zone from downtown up to broadway to improve tourism during the ongoing federal investigation of sound transit accounting er practices and reduce the smog alerts….
I finally went into the holiday gift and craft store on 19th…had to confirm it was not a drug front. the woman working there was nice but yeah…holiday gifts (or any “gifty gifts,” really) aren’t my thing. I want to learn more about the business next to it- someone told me it used to be a crematorium but that sounds like an urban legend if I ever heard one.
used to be? is. though not a crematorium exactly. saving this one for Halloween :)
I live within eyesight of it and need to know!
god that pisses me off.